Case Study: Ohio’s Money Follows the Person Demonstration (HOME Choice) January 30, 2011 Issue Brief This case study of Ohio’s Money Follows the Person demonstration, known as HOME Choice, describes key features of the program and highlights early program experiences. Ohio was one of 17 states to receive federal funding for the Money Follows the Person (MFP) rebalancing demonstration in January 2007. The state was…
New Resources & Briefing Examine Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports January 30, 2011 Event The following resources by the Kaiser Family Foundation’s Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured (KCMU) examine the latest data findings regarding Medicaid’s long-term services and supports for seniors and people with disabilities. The materials were released at a public briefing in the Foundation’s Washington, D.C. offices that featured an expert…
A Challenge for States: Assuring Timely Access to Optimal Long-Term Services and Supports in the Community January 30, 2011 Issue Brief The Medicaid program is a major payer for long-term services and supports (LTSS) in the United States, accounting for 40 percent of total spending for long-term services and supports. The federal government has played an active role in sponsoring initiatives to promote a shift to community-based care; and evidence from…
Helping Consumers Manage Long-Term Services and Supports in the Community: State Medicaid Program Activities January 20, 2011 Issue Brief The Medicaid program is a source for many innovative practices in making long-term services and supports (LTSS) available to consumers. Jointly financed by the states and the federal government, Medicaid pays for 40 percent of LTSS spending the United States. Case management services have been integral to Medicaid community-based LTSS…
More Than Meets the Eye: Long-Term Care Provisions in the New Reform Law October 1, 2010 Event In the debates around the health reform law and its implementation, little attention has been given to the law’s provisions supporting long-term care. This briefing offered an overview of these provisions, such as the CLASS Act, a new national, voluntary insurance program to help working adults finance services and supports…
To Hospitalize or Not to Hospitalize? Medical Care for Long-Term Care Facility Residents September 30, 2010 Report To Hospitalize or Not to Hospitalize? Medical Care for Long-Term Care Facility Residents This report explores factors that appear to drive relatively high rates of hospitalizations, based on interviews with doctors, nursing home staff and families in four cities. Key factors include liability concerns, limited onsite staff capabilities, difficulty reaching…
Medicare Spending and Use of Medical Services for Beneficiaries in Nursing Homes and Other Long‐Term Care Facilities: A Potential for Achieving Medicare Savings and Improving the Quality of Care September 30, 2010 Report Medicare Spending and Use of Medical Services for Beneficiaries in Nursing Homes and Other Long‐Term Care Facilities: A Potential for Achieving Medicare Savings and Improving the Quality of Care This report documents the relatively high rates of hospital stays, emergency room visits and skilled nursing facility admissions among long-term care…
Briefing Examines High Medicare Spending for Beneficiaries in Long-Term Care September 30, 2010 Event These three reports examine the relatively high use of hospital and other Medicare-covered services and the associated costs of medical care for Medicare beneficiaries who live in nursing homes and other long-term-care facilities. They also explore the potential for delivery system reforms to improve quality and reduce costs. Medicare Spending…
Financial Incentives in the Long-Term Care Context: A First Look at Relevant Information September 30, 2010 Report Financial Incentives in the Long-Term Care Context: A First Look at Relevant Information This report reviews Medicare’s payment policies as they may affect medical care for residents in long-term care environments, including a look at the financial incentives that could play a role in hospital and skilled nursing facility admissions.…
Briefing on State Medicaid Programs, the Recession and Health Reform September 2, 2010 Event The Kaiser Family Foundation’s Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured (KCMU) held a 9:30 a.m. ET briefing on Thursday, September 30 to examine the challenges facing states as they continue to struggle with the lingering impacts of the recession and begin preparing to implement health reform. Three reports were released…