Examining School Shootings at the National and State Level and Mental Health Implications March 18, 2025 Issue Brief According to the Washington Post, at least 390,000 students were exposed to a school shooting (exposure is defined as students attending a school at which a shooting occurred during the current school year) since the 1999 Columbine shooting. This brief analyzes the rate of student exposure to school shootings over time at the national and state level. Exposure rates depend on factors including school enrollment size and state population size. Therefore, even a single school shooting incident in a state can impact many youths beyond those that are physically injured and may significantly increase exposure rates.
Compare the Candidates on Health Care Policy August 5, 2024 Page The side-by-side comparison tool provides a quick overview of former President Trump’s and Vice President Harris’ records, positions, public statements, and proposed policies on a range of key health care topics.
KFF Analysis Finds That Firearms Were Involved in 79% of Homicides and 55% of Suicide Deaths in 2022 July 17, 2024 News Release A new KFF analysis finds that firearms are involved in the majority of all homicides and suicides in the U.S., playing a role in 79% of homicides and 55% of suicide deaths in 2022, the most recent data available.The analysis, based on data from the federal Centers for Disease Control…
Three Questions about Firearm Deaths: Key Patterns from a Decade of Data July 17, 2024 Issue Brief Firearm deaths increased sharply over the past decade, rising from 92 deaths per day to 132 deaths per day from 2012 to 2022. Firearms are the leading cause of total suicides and homicides, making up 55% of all suicide deaths and 79% of all homicides in 2022.
Deaths Due to Firearms per 100,000 Population by Age May 24, 2024 State Indicator guns, children, firearm deaths in children, gun-related deaths
Recent Increases in Firearm Deaths of Children and Adolescents Have Been Driven by Gun Assaults, Black Youths Are Disproportionally Affected February 22, 2024 News Release A new KFF analysis of provisional 2022 data from the Centers for Disease Control shows that the recent increases in firearm death rates among children and adolescents ages 17 and under were driven largely by gun assaults, which accounted for 66% of firearm deaths among young people in 2022, up…
The Impact of Gun Violence on Children and Adolescents February 22, 2024 Issue Brief Gun violence has increased in recent years and adversely affects many children and adolescents. This brief explores the disproportionate impacts of gun violence on children of color and male youth and the negative mental health consequences associated with gun violence. It contains current and trend data on firearm death rates among children and adolescents ages 17 and under.
What the Data Show: Firearms Violence February 16, 2024 Slide The U.S. has by far the highest homicide by firearm rate among similarly large and wealthy countries, including among children and teens.
Poll: By a Wide Margin, Democratic Voters Now Care More About the Affordable Care Act Than Republican Voters Do, And Voters Trust Democrats More Than Republicans to Handle Its Future December 1, 2023 News Release The future of the Affordable Care Act, an issue that was once a key health care issue for Republican voters, is now more important to Democratic voters, a new KFF Health Tracking Poll finds. About half (49%) of voters say it is a “very important” issue for the candidates to…
Addressing Misinformation in Rural Communities: Snapshot from the KFF Health Misinformation Tracking Poll Pilot September 15, 2023 Poll Finding This report examines the exposure to, and belief in, health misinformation among people living in rural communities, as well as the media sources they use and the trust they place in health information received from various outlets. It is a companion to the KFF Health Misinformation Tracking Poll Pilot.