Income-Relating Medicare Part B and Part D Premiums: How Many Medicare Beneficiaries Will Be Affected? November 30, 2010 Issue Brief Income-Relating Medicare Part B and Part D Premiums: How Many Medicare Beneficiaries Will Be Affected? New in February 2012: Brief Examines Proposals to Further Expand Medicare’s Income-Related Premiums This new analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation examines the number of Medicare beneficiaries who will pay higher Part B or Part…
Pulling it Together: The People Behind The Entitlement Debate November 9, 2010 Perspective Well before we have any clarity on the impact of the election on health reform, the pundits are handicapping the prospects of efforts to make a serious dent in the national debt and deficit. Three national commissions are hammering out recommendations for reducing the debt and reining in entitlement spending,…
Medicare Chartbook, 2010 October 30, 2010 Report This chartbook provides the most recent and reliable data available about the Medicare program and the 47 million seniors and younger people with disabilities who get health insurance coverage through the program. Topics covered include: Medicare beneficiaries; the program’s benefits, utilization, and access to care; prescription drugs; the Medicare Advantage…
More Than Meets the Eye: Long-Term Care Provisions in the New Reform Law October 1, 2010 Event In the debates around the health reform law and its implementation, little attention has been given to the law’s provisions supporting long-term care. This briefing offered an overview of these provisions, such as the CLASS Act, a new national, voluntary insurance program to help working adults finance services and supports…
To Hospitalize or Not to Hospitalize? Medical Care for Long-Term Care Facility Residents September 30, 2010 Report To Hospitalize or Not to Hospitalize? Medical Care for Long-Term Care Facility Residents This report explores factors that appear to drive relatively high rates of hospitalizations, based on interviews with doctors, nursing home staff and families in four cities. Key factors include liability concerns, limited onsite staff capabilities, difficulty reaching…
Briefing Examines High Medicare Spending for Beneficiaries in Long-Term Care September 30, 2010 Event These three reports examine the relatively high use of hospital and other Medicare-covered services and the associated costs of medical care for Medicare beneficiaries who live in nursing homes and other long-term-care facilities. They also explore the potential for delivery system reforms to improve quality and reduce costs. Medicare Spending…
Financial Incentives in the Long-Term Care Context: A First Look at Relevant Information September 30, 2010 Report Financial Incentives in the Long-Term Care Context: A First Look at Relevant Information This report reviews Medicare’s payment policies as they may affect medical care for residents in long-term care environments, including a look at the financial incentives that could play a role in hospital and skilled nursing facility admissions.…
The Medicare Part D Low-Income Subsidy Program: Experience to Date and Policy Issues for Consideration September 1, 2010 Issue Brief This policy brief examines the low-income subsidy program that provides premiums and cost-sharing assistance under Part D plans, documenting trends in both beneficiary and plan participation over time. With fewer plans available to low-income enrollees without having to pay a premium, and annual changes in those plans, the brief discusses…
Medicare Part D 2010 Data Spotlight: Coverage of Top Brand-Name and Specialty Drugs August 31, 2010 Issue Brief This Part D Data Spotlight documents the wide variations across the private stand-alone drug plans with respect to coverage of drugs, what enrollees pay for those drugs, and restrictions and limitations placed on their use. These variations have potentially significant implications for beneficiaries’ access to medications and out-of-pocket costs. The…
Medicare Part D 2010 Data Spotlights August 31, 2010 Issue Brief The Kaiser Family Foundation has issued a collection of analyses related to the Part D Medicare stand-alone drug plan options available to seniors for calendar year 2010. Each of these spotlights focuses on a key aspect of the drug plans that will be available to Medicare beneficiaries in 2010 and…