State Medicaid Coverage of Perinatal Services: Summary of State Survey Findings November 1, 2009 Report The report examines state Medicaid program policies regarding coverage of pregnancy-related services. It details state-level Medicaid eligibility and enrollment policies for pregnant women, as well as scope of coverage for prenatal and screening services, delivery and post-partum care, educational classes and support services.
Contraceptive Coverage Under the Affordable Care Act April 16, 2015 Event The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has changed access to health coverage for millions of women across the nation, including a provision requiring most private health insurance plans to provide coverage for prescription contraceptives and services. On Thursday, April 16 at 9:30 a.m. ET, the Kaiser Family Foundation hosted a briefing to…
The U.S. Global Health Budget: Analysis of the Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Request April 7, 2014 Issue Brief This budget analysis reviews U.S. funding for global health programs included in the fiscal year 2015 Budget Request released on March 4, 2014. It examines funding by program area as well as trends over time.
States Routinely Cover Most Contraceptives, but More Variation for Other Family Planning Services September 18, 2013 Slide
The U.S. Global Health Budget: Analysis of the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Request March 11, 2015 Issue Brief This budget analysis reviews U.S. funding for global health programs included in the fiscal year 2016 Budget Request released on February 2, 2015.
Mapping the Donor Landscape in Global Health: Family Planning and Reproductive Health January 16, 2014 Report This report maps the network of international assistance to support family planning and reproductive health in countries around the globe. The report is part of a series that examines the donor nations and multilateral organizations involved in addressing different global health challenges in recipient countries worldwide.
The U.S. Global Health Budget: Analysis of Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2014 January 31, 2014 Issue Brief This budget analysis reviews U.S. funding for global health programs included in the fiscal year 2014 omnibus appropriations bill signed into law on January 17, 2014. It examines funding by program area as well as trends over time.
Donor Government Assistance for Family Planning in 2012 November 13, 2013 Report This report establishes a baseline level of donor government funding for family planning activities in 2012 that can be used to track total international assistance funding levels for family planning over time as well as commitments donor governments made at last year’s London Summit on Family Planning. It finds donor governments provided about US$900 million in bilateral funding for family planning programs in 2012, and an additional US$432 million in core contributions to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
Analysis Finds Donor Government International Funding for Family Planning Increased By 19 Percent From 2012 November 2, 2014 News Release A new Kaiser Family Foundation report finds that donor governments provided US$1.3 billion in bilateral funding for family planning programs in low- and middle-income countries in 2013 – a 19 percent increase from 2012. Donor governments also gave an additional $454 million in core contributions to the United Nations Population Fund…
Donor Government Assistance for Family Planning in 2013 November 2, 2014 Report This report finds that donor governments provided US$1.3 billion in bilateral funding for family planning programs in low and middle income countries in 2013 – a 19 percent increase from 2012. Donor governments also gave an additional $454 million in core contributions to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the primary multilateral organization addressing family planning. Funding has risen since the London Summit on Family Planning in 2012, although most of the increase was driven by a small number of donors.