States Routinely Cover Most Contraceptives, but More Variation for Other Family Planning Services September 18, 2013 Slide
Health Reform: Implications for Women’s Access to Coverage and Care August 29, 2013 Issue Brief This issue brief, Health Reform: Implications for Women’s Access to Coverage and Care, reviews how the Affordable Care Act is expected to affect access to care and affordability of health coverage for women. It also explains the provisions in the health reform law related to preventive screening services, reproductive health, maternity care and women on Medicare. The brief includes national and state-level estimates of the percentage of uninsured women ages 18-64 who are likely to qualify for federal help under the law and a summary of key coverage and benefits provisions in the health reform law that affect women.
The Majority of States Restrict Abortion Coverage to the Hyde Amendment Requirements March 13, 2013 Slide
Teen Birth Rates Have Been Declining for All Groups, but Disparities Still Exist March 13, 2013 Slide
Pregnancy, Birth, and Abortion Rates Among Teens Have Been Steadily Declining in the U.S. March 13, 2013 Slide
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — May 2012 May 2, 2012 Poll Finding The May Health Tracking Poll focuses on the public’s perceptions and reactions to women’s reproductive health reemerging as a heated issue in policy debates and news and its potential impact on the upcoming presidential election. Three in ten women (31 percent) overall believe that there is currently a “wide-scale effort…
Statutory Requirements & Policies Governing U.S. Global Family Planning and Reproductive Health Efforts April 29, 2012 Issue Brief This issue brief provides a summary of the major policies and statutory requirements governing U.S. participation in international family planning and reproductive health efforts. These laws and policies collectively direct how funds are spent, which organizations receive funds and generally shape U.S. family planning and reproductive health activities around the world.
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — February 2012 March 1, 2012 Poll Finding In the midst of continuing debate on the future of the Medicare program, the February Kaiser Family Foundation Tracking Poll finds most Americans and most seniors favor the status quo, though arguments about the program’s solvency have the potential to sway opinion toward new proposals. The survey also gauges public…