2003 Health Insurance Survey October 30, 2004 Poll Finding The 2003 Kaiser Family Foundation Health Insurance Survey examines the public’s level of satisfaction with their insurance coverage, their expectations of health insurance, the role of costs and other factors in health insurance decision-making, and attitudes toward employer-sponsored coverage. It also explores people’s opinions about several alternative health insurance plans…
Section 10: Plan Funding August 27, 2004 Report Exhibit 10.1Exhibit 10.5Exhibit 10.2Exhibit 10.6Exhibit 10.3Exhibit 10.7Exhibit 10.4 10 A self-funded plan is one in which the employer assumes direct responsibility for the costs of enrollees’ medical claims. Employers sponsoring self-funded plans typically contract with a third-party administrator or insurer to provide administrative services for the self-funded plan.
Chartpack: National Survey of Enrollees in Consumer-Directed Health Plans November 1, 2006 Poll Finding This chart pack provides data and analysis from the National Survey of Enrollees in Consumer-Directed Health Plans conducted between June 21 and July 10, 2006. The survey looks at the views and experiences of people enrolled in consumer-directed health plans as compared to people with traditional health insurance.Chartpack (.pdf)
Section 12: Employer Opinions and Health Management Programs (continued) August 27, 2004 Report Exhibit 12.1Exhibit 12.6Exhibit 12.2Exhibit 12.7Exhibit 12.3Exhibit 12.8Exhibit 12.4Exhibit 12.9Exhibit 12.5
Section 4: Health Insurance Choice August 26, 2004 Report Exhibit 4.1Exhibit 4.6Exhibit 4.2Exhibit 4.7Exhibit 4.3Exhibit 4.8Exhibit 4.4Exhibit 4.9Exhibit 4.5Exhibit 4.105Survey respondents were asked whether the firm offers a personal or health savings account, including a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) or other type of health savings account option.6There are several savings account options permitted under the law, including health reimbursement…
Trends in Medicare Supplemental Insurance and Prescription Drug Benefits, 1996-2001Data Update May 31, 2004 Report Trends in Medicare Supplemental Insurance and Prescription Drug Benefits, 1996-2001 Data UpdateThis data update provides estimates of supplemental insurance and prescription drug coverage rates and trends between 1996 and 2001, which will help to provide important context for assessing future changes in supplemental insurance and drug coverage rates after provisions…
Retiree Health Benefits Now and in the Future, Report December 31, 2003 Report Retiree Health Benefits Now and In the Future – ReportThis survey, conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Hewitt Associates between June and September 2003 provides detailed information on retiree health programs offered by large private-sector employers. The data in this survey reflect the responses of 408 large firms (private-sector…
Kaiser/Harvard National Survey of Americans’ Views on Managed Care-Massachusetts Toplines to National Sample October 30, 1997 Poll Finding Kaiser/Harvard National Survey of Americans’ Views on Managed Care-Massachusetts Toplines to National Sample Note: This publication is not available on our website. However, the data from these surveys is still available through the Public Opinion and Media Research Group. Please email kaiserpolls@kff.org for more information.
Changes in Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Sponsorship, Eligibility, and Participation: 2001 to 2005, Full Report December 31, 2006 Report This report provides a detailed account of how employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) coverage changed between 2001 and 2005, particularly among employees (i.e., workers who are not self-employed). The report begins with a short description of the major forces driving employer-sponsored insurance: changes in the workforce and the rising costs of health…