New Report Looks at Health Care Trends in California Compared to Rest of Nation May 31, 2000 Report A new chartbook by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that on most, though not all indicators, California’s health care system fares poorly when compared to the U.S. as a whole. The report, Health Care Trends and Indicators in California and the United States, shows that many more Californians have no…
Pulling it Together: Reflections on This Year’s Four Percent Premium Increase September 5, 2012 Perspective Our 2012 Employer Health Benefits Survey found a 4% increase in premiums this year, continuing the recent trend of moderation in health costs and spending reported in several studies. Double digit increases in premiums were once a common occurrence, but we have not seen any since a 10% increase in…
Workplace Wellness Programs, Healthy Behaviors and Health Reform November 29, 2009 Event Many large employers offer financial incentives to their employees to exercise regularly, improve their diets, lose weight and quit smoking. Health reform proposals would write some of these incentives into law. But some patient advocates say that, depending on how the incentives are structured, they can make coverage more expensive…
Snapshots: Offer Rates for Smaller Establishments by Business Age May 1, 2008 Issue Brief Employer-provided health insurance is the primary source of insurance coverage in the United States, covering almost 160 million people or more than 90 percent of the non-elderly privately-insured population.1 In recent years, the percentage of firms who offer such benefits has been falling; 69 percent offered health coverage benefits in 2000,…
2006 Kaiser/Hewitt Retiree Health Benefits Survey November 30, 2006 Report The 2006 Kaiser/Hewitt survey of large businesses that provide retiree health benefits to their workers assesses their evolving responses to the new Medicare drug benefit in 2006. It also looks at the rising costs and changing benefits of retiree health coverage overall in 2006, as well as the outlook for…
Retired Steelworkers and Their Health Benefits: Results from a 2004 Survey May 2, 2006 Report This Kaiser survey report looks at how the bankruptcies of two steel companies, the LTV Corporation and Bethlehem Steel, affected health coverage for the companies' retirees and dependents. The bankruptcies left about 200,000 retirees and spouses without retiree health coverage in 2002 and 2003. The report provides insight into the…
Health Care Costs Survey – Summary and Chartpack August 30, 2005 Poll Finding The summary and chartpack highlight key findings from the joint USA Today/Kaiser/Harvard School of Public Health survey exploring Americans’ views on health care costs.Survey Summary and Chartpack (.pdf)
2003 Health Insurance Survey October 30, 2004 Poll Finding The 2003 Kaiser Family Foundation Health Insurance Survey examines the public’s level of satisfaction with their insurance coverage, their expectations of health insurance, the role of costs and other factors in health insurance decision-making, and attitudes toward employer-sponsored coverage. It also explores people’s opinions about several alternative health insurance plans…
Section 10: Plan Funding August 27, 2004 Report Exhibit 10.1Exhibit 10.5Exhibit 10.2Exhibit 10.6Exhibit 10.3Exhibit 10.7Exhibit 10.4 10 A self-funded plan is one in which the employer assumes direct responsibility for the costs of enrollees’ medical claims. Employers sponsoring self-funded plans typically contract with a third-party administrator or insurer to provide administrative services for the self-funded plan.
Chartpack: National Survey of Enrollees in Consumer-Directed Health Plans November 1, 2006 Poll Finding This chart pack provides data and analysis from the National Survey of Enrollees in Consumer-Directed Health Plans conducted between June 21 and July 10, 2006. The survey looks at the views and experiences of people enrolled in consumer-directed health plans as compared to people with traditional health insurance.Chartpack (.pdf)