Building an Express Lane Eligibility Initiative: A Roadmap of Key Decisions for States January 22, 2010 Issue Brief The Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (CHIPRA) provides states new options to reach and enroll the estimated 5 million eligible but uninsured low-income children into Medicaid and CHIP. One key tool provided to states by the law is Express Lane Eligibility (ELE), which allows state Medicaid and…
Getting the Most Bang for Our Health Reform Buck: Enrolling and Retaining Everyone Who’s Eligible November 29, 2009 Event As Congress looks for ways to increase access to health care, existing programs such as Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program are often overlooked. Yet enrolling those who are eligible for such programs is one of the easiest ways to expand coverage. This briefing, co-sponsored by Alliance for Health…
Medicaid Eligibility for Individuals with Disabilities May 2, 2000 Issue Brief This issue paper updates the July 1999 report and provides a general overview of federal Medicaid eligibility policy for the low-income disabled population. This paper focuses on four broad groups of individuals with disabilities: children under 18; adults under 65 who are not living in institutions; adults under 65 who…