Post-Mortem On KFF 2020 Election Polling May 19, 2021 Poll Finding This 2021 analysis goes back into the data we collected in interviews with a random sample of registered voters in three Sun Belt states (Arizona, Florida, and North Carolina) and matches it with actual voter records from Election Day to better understand the demographics of voters who cast ballots in the 2020 election and whether their views and experiences were different than those who chose to not vote.
The Role Of Health Care In The 2020 Election December 1, 2020 Interactive This interactive map highlights what voters from the 2020 general election and Democratic primary voters said about health care as they vote, based on KFF’s analysis of the state-level AP VoteCast data collected in most states. The primary election data also includes state-specific charts highlighting where health care ranks as issue, views about a single-payer health plan and a public option, and other health care findings from the AP VoteCast data with key demographic breakouts.
The Exit Polls Show The Need To Confront COVID-19 Denial in Red America November 17, 2020 Perspective Drew Altman analyzes the exit polls in his latest Axios column. While Biden voters see COVID-19 as a top priority, Trump supporters are still largely pandemic deniers, echoing the President.
A Conundrum: Majority of Republican Voters Want to Overturn ACA but Keep Protections for People with Pre-existing Conditions November 2, 2020 Blog This post examines the implications of Republican voters wanting the Supreme Court to overturn the entire Affordable Care Act, but not the law’s protections for people with pre-existing conditions.
The Landscape of Medicaid Demonstration Waivers Ahead of the 2020 Election October 30, 2020 Issue Brief As the Trump administration reaches the end of its first term, this issue brief considers the landscape of approved and pending Section 1115 Medicaid demonstration waivers under this administration and how the November 2020 presidential election may impact this landscape.
Loss of the ACA Could Greatly Erode Health Coverage and Benefits for Women October 29, 2020 Issue Brief This brief examines what the loss of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) would mean for women’s coverage and access to health care.
A Year of Crisis: How COVID-19 Upended the Election’s Focus on Health Care Policy—Or Did It? October 23, 2020 Perspective In this post, Ashley Kirzinger and Mollyann Brodie examine how the COVID-19 pandemic and other crises shook up the mix of issues voters care about without changing the 2020 presidential race’s core dynamic as a referendum on President Trump’s first term in office.
Want to protect people with preexisting conditions? You need the full Affordable Care Act. October 22, 2020 Perspective In this perspective published by the Washington Post, KFF Executive Vice President for Health Policy Larry Levitt explains why the popular Affordable Care Act provisions that ensure people with pre-existing conditions can access affordable health insurance can’t easily be preserved if other related provisions are overturned.
Joe Biden’s Big Lead on Health Care Issues October 21, 2020 Perspective In an Axios column, Drew Altman discusses how this election year health isn’t a single issue — but several — and Joe Biden has the edge over President Trump on all of them, even as opposition to the ACA remains popular with Trump’s base.
Poll: Most Americans Say President Trump is Intervening with the FDA’s and CDC’s Coronavirus Work, But Trust the Agencies at Least a Fair Amount to Do the Right Thing October 20, 2020 News Release As COVID-19 cases rise across much of the country, most Americans think that the president is intervening with the public health agencies working to address the pandemic, the latest KFF Health Tracking Poll finds. Similar majorities say both that President Trump is intervening with the Food and Drug Administration’s efforts to review…