Medicare Prescription Drug Enrollment Update June 2, 2006 Issue Brief Medicare Drug Benefit Enrollment UpdateThis enrollment update breaks down and explains the statistics related to enrollment under the new Medicare drug benefit and the separate low-income subsidy program that provides additional assistance. The enrollment update summarizes the latest enrollment figures released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and…
Observations on the Initial Implementation of the Medicare Prescription Drug Program: Perspectives of State Medicaid Directors Through a Focus Group Discussion April 30, 2006 Report Observations on the Initial Implementation of the Medicare Prescription Drug Program: Perspectives of State Medicaid Directors Through a Focus Group DiscussionMedicaid directors express the need to continue to focus on the interaction between Medicaid and the Medicare prescription drug benefit and to address the key system and coordination issues that…
Dual Eligibles and Medicare Part D April 30, 2006 Issue Brief This snapshot summarizes the latest information and policy issues about the enrollment of dual eligibles into the Medicare prescription drug benefit.Issue Brief (.pdf)
Transitions 2006 April 30, 2006 Video On January 1, 2006, the six million Americans who are covered by both Medicare and Medicaid saw a change in how their prescription drugs are covered. The dual eligible population was transitioned from Medicaid into the Medicare prescription drug benefit. As a group, these beneficiaries are poorer and sicker than…
The Stability of Medicaid Coverage for Low-Income Dually Eligible Medicare Beneficiaries April 29, 2006 Report This report examines the stability of dual eligibility for the seven million Americans who rely on Medicaid to fill the gaps in their Medicare coverage and its implications for Medicare's new prescription drug benefits. The analysis focuses on the duration of dual eligibility, the rates of gain and loss of…
An Update on the Clawback: Revised Health Spending Data Change State Financial Obligations for the New Medicare Drug Benefit March 1, 2006 Issue Brief An Update on the Clawback: Revised Health Spending Data ChangeState Financial Obligations for the New Medicare Drug BenefitStates are obligated to finance part of the new Medicare prescription drug benefit via a monthly “clawback” payment to the federal government. This issue update analyzes the latest data and provides an overview…
Medicare-Medicaid Policy Interactions February 27, 2006 Issue Brief Because over seven million elderly and disabled individuals are entitled to benefits under both Medicare and Medicaid, policy changes in one program not only affect both coverage and spending in the other but also impact access to services by individuals eligible for both programs. This primer summarizes two key policy…
The Transition of Dual Eligibles to Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage: State Actions During Implementation February 1, 2006 Report This 50-state survey of Medicaid officials assesses states’ early experience relating to the transition of low-income seniors and people with disabilities enrolled in both Medicaid and Medicare (dual eligibles) to the Medicare Part D drug benefit. Conducted by Health Management Associates, the survey covers the types of problems observed by…
Tracking Prescription Drug Coverage Under Medicare: Five Ways to Look at the New Enrollment Numbers February 1, 2006 Issue Brief Tracking Prescription Drug Coverage Under Medicare: Five Ways to Look at the New Enrollment NumbersThis new analysis, which assesses Medicare drug benefit enrollment statistics released Feb. 22 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, examines five different approaches to understanding the Medicare drug coverage numbers:What share of the…
Toplines — Kaiser Health Poll Report: Selected Findings on Seniors’ Views of the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit January 31, 2006 Poll Finding Toplines — Kaiser Health Poll Report: Selected Findings on Seniors’ Views of the Medicare Prescription Drug BenefitThese toplines contain the detailed results from the February 2006 tracking poll on seniors’ views toward the new Medicare drug benefit.Survey Toplines (.pdf)