Medicaid’s Role for Dual Eligibles May 30, 2011 Issue Brief These short profiles illustrate the help that Medicaid provides to four individuals who qualify for both Medicaid and Medicare. They include a 66-year-old former nurse who suffers from a multitude of health problems; an 86-year-old stroke survivor and nursing home resident; a 64-year-old man with disabilities who lives independently; and…
Medicare Advantage 2010 Data Spotlight: Plan Availability and Premiums October 30, 2009 Issue Brief This data spotlight examines changes in the availability and premiums of private Medicare Advantage options for Medicare beneficiaries in 2010 as the annual open enrollment period begins. While the number of plans available in 2010 declined somewhat from 2009, the analysis finds that Medicare beneficiaries on average have 33 Medicare…
The Crunch Continues: Medicaid Spending, Coverage and Policy in the Midst of a Recession September 2, 2009 Event This annual 50-state survey finds that number of people on Medicaid and state spending on the program are climbing sharply as a result of the recession, straining state budgets and pressuring officials to curb costs despite increased financial help from the federal government through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act…
Medicaid’s Disabled Population and Managed Care April 29, 2001 Fact Sheet Medicaid’s Disabled Population and Managed CareThis fact sheet highlights the key facts about the Medicaid managed care programs that serve persons with disabilities. It describes the Medicaid disabled population and the role managed care plays in serving them. It also provides information on enrollment in managed care, program features, and…
Medicare Beneficiaries: A Population At Risk – Findings from the Kaiser/Commonwealth 1997 Survey of Medicare Beneficiaries November 29, 1998 Report Medicare Beneficiaries: A Population At Risk – Findings from the Kaiser/Commonwealth 1997 Survey of Medicare BeneficiariesThis report by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and the Commonwealth Fund, based on the Kaiser/Commonwealth 1997 Survey of Medicare Beneficiaries, highlights the challenges facing Medicare beneficiaries and the importance of addressing the needs…
Medicaid Eligibility for the Elderly April 29, 1999 Report The purpose of this issue paper is to explain Federal Medicaid eligibility policy for the low-income elderly population and discusses Federal and State policy options to improve coverage.Issue Paper
Olmstead at Five: Assessing the Impact June 1, 2004 Report This report examines the impact of Olmstead v. L.C. five years after the United States Supreme Court’s 1999 landmark decision. The analysis brings together new research with a synthesis of research undertaken over the past five years, to help policymakers and program administrators understand the meaning of the Americans with…
The Role of Health Coverage for People with Disabilities: Findings from 12 Focus Groups with People with Disabilities August 2, 2003 Report This report presents findings from focus groups conducted with people with a range of disabilities in an effort to understand the challenges they face and their experiences in the health-care system. To capture variations in experiences by source of health insurance, the groups include people covered under Medicare, Medicaid, and…
Dual Eligibles Tables: Enrollment and Spending, by State, 2002 January 1, 2004 Report This set of tables, prepared by the Urban Institue for the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, presents the most current state by state data on Medicaid enrollment and expenditures for dual eligibles.Full Set of Tables (.pdf)Individual Tables:Implications of the Medicare drug law for full dual eligibles:Table 1: “Full”…
Summary of the Proposed Rule to Implement the New Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit November 30, 2004 Issue Brief In August 2004, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services published a proposed rule to implement the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit (Title I of the Medicare Modernization Act). Given the high level of interest in the proposed rules for implementing the Medicare drug benefit, the Kaiser Family Foundation commissioned Health…