The Role of Health Coverage for People with Disabilities November 30, 2003 Event People with disabilities are at risk in the health-care system because of their wide-ranging health-care needs, their relatively heavy use of prescription drugs, health-care and support services, and typically low incomes. A new survey of people with permanent mental and/or physical disabilities explores their health-care experiences and challenges in accessing…
Understanding the Health-Care Needs and Experiences of People with Disabilities: Findings from a 2003 Survey November 30, 2003 Report Understanding the Health-Care Needs and Experiences of People with Disabilities: Findings from a 2003 SurveyPeople with disabilities are at risk in the health-care system because of their wide-ranging health-care needs, their relatively heavy use of prescription drugs, health-care and support services, and typically low incomes. A new survey of people…
Retiree Health Trends and Implications of Possible Medicare Reforms November 29, 1997 Fact Sheet The availability of employer-sponsored retiree health benefits from large companies has declined since 1991, according to a new study conducted for the Kaiser Family Foundation by Hewitt Associates LLC. The study also shows that the number of big businesses charging premiums, tightening eligibility requirements, encouraging use of managed care, and…
Money Follows the Person: An Early Implementation Snapshot June 19, 2009 Issue Brief This issue brief examines the early successes and challenges of the Money Follows the Person Demonstration (MFP), a Medicaid initiative enacted into law in 2006 that gives states enhanced federal support to balance their Medicaid long-term care programs by providing more services in the community and fewer in institutional settings.…
Rethinking Medicaid’s Financing Role for Medicare Enrollees January 31, 2009 Issue Brief This issue brief examines coverage of the nearly 9 million “dual eligible” beneficiaries, the low-income elderly and persons with disabilities who are enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid. It explores the national and state impacts of shifting the financing of selected services for dual eligibles from Medicaid to Medicare, including…
Reports Analyze Cost and Coverage of People Eligible for Both Medicaid and Medicare and Options for Reforming Financing of Their Care January 31, 2009 Issue Brief These issue briefs examine coverage of the nearly 9 million “dual eligibles,” the low-income elderly and persons with disabilities who are enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid. The reports explore the national and state impacts of shifting the financing of selected services for dual eligibles from Medicaid to Medicare, and…
Consumer Direction of Personal Assistance Services Programs in Medicaid: Insights from Enrollees in Four States March 1, 2008 Report Consumer Direction of Personal Assistance Services Programs in Medicaid: Insights from Enrollees in Four StatesMedicaid consumer direction of personal assistance services (CD-PAS) is a growing trend. Although overall enrollment in these programs is small, 42 states offered consumer direction in Medicaid in 2006. These programs allow Medicaid beneficiaries control over…
Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Progress Report: Findings From A 2006 National Survey of Seniors August 1, 2007 Event The share of seniors without drug coverage dropped significantly under Medicare’s new drug benefit, according to this August 2007 Health Affairs Web Exclusive article based on a Kaiser Family Foundation, Commonwealth Fund and Tufts-New England Medical Center survey of more than 16,000 seniors. Seniors with drug coverage from any source…
Medicaid and Long-Term Care: Recent Publications Illuminate Key Policy Issues December 19, 2006 Fact Sheet With recent policy debates about the future of Medicaid, the Foundation’s Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured has created a resource page of recent publications that address key policy issues when examining Medicaid’s role for high cost populations and in long-term care. Of particular interest are a report profiling…
Case Study: Georgia’s Money Follows the Person Demonstration December 1, 2011 Issue Brief This brief reports on a case study of Georgia’s Money Follows the Person (MFP) demonstration program, describing key features of the program and highlighting recent program experiences. The Georgia Department of Community Health (DCH) implemented the program in September 2008. In 2005, before the demonstration began, Georgia’s long-term care expenditures…