One Big Thing People Don’t Know About Single Payer November 2, 2017 Perspective In this Axios column, Drew Altman discusses a challenge for single payer which has not received much attention – a large share of the American people do not think they would have to change their current health insurance arrangements if there were a Medicare-for-all style single payer plan.
Web Briefing for Journalists: Marketplace Open Enrollment in the Trump Era October 18, 2017 Event With the Trump administration’s announcements last week, the landscape around Affordable Care Act marketplaces and the open enrollment period beginning Nov. 1 continues to shift. Though the 2010 health law remains intact for now, consumers will see fundamental differences this year when it comes to signing up for 2018 marketplace…
The Role of Medicaid and Impact of the Medicaid Expansion for Veterans Experiencing Homelessness October 3, 2017 Issue Brief This brief describes Medicaid’s role for veterans experiencing homelessness and provides insight into how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Medicaid expansion has affected their coverage and access to care.
Five Ways the Graham-Cassidy Proposal Would Affect Women September 21, 2017 Fact Sheet The Graham-Cassidy Senate proposal to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act that could have a far-reaching impact on women’s health care access and coverage. A new fact sheet outlines the ways women could be affected.
5 Ways the Graham-Cassidy Proposal Puts Medicaid Coverage At Risk September 19, 2017 Fact Sheet The Graham-Cassidy proposal to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is reviving the federal health reform debate and could come up for a vote in the Senate before the budget reconciliation authority expires on September 30. This fact sheet describes five ways in which the proposal revamps and cuts Medicaid, redistributes federal funds across states and eliminates coverage for millions of poor Americans.
Premiums for Employer-Sponsored Family Health Coverage Rise Slowly for Sixth Straight Year, Up 3% but Averaging $18,764 in 2017 September 19, 2017 News Release Workers Covered By Smaller Firms Pay More Toward Family Premiums and in Cost Sharing Than Those in Larger Ones Menlo Park, Calif. – Annual family premiums for employer-sponsored health insurance rose an average of 3 percent to $18,764 this year, continuing a six-year run of relatively modest increases, according to the…
Web Briefing for Media: 2017 Kaiser/HRET Employer Health Benefits Survey September 19, 2017 Event The Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research & Educational Trust (HRET) held a reporters-only web briefing on Tuesday, September 19 to release their 2017 benchmark Employer Health Benefits Survey. The 19th annual Kaiser/HRET survey provides a detailed look at the current state of employer-based coverage and trends in private health…
Medicaid and American Indians and Alaska Natives September 7, 2017 Issue Brief This brief provides an overview of the American Indian and Alaska Native population, describes the role of the Indian Health Service and Medicaid for this population, and discusses the impact of the Medicaid expansion for this population.
Coverage and Care Pathways for People with HIV: A New Baseline August 29, 2017 Issue Brief This issue brief provides a snapshot of access to health care for people with HIV today as a marker for gauging coverage changes going forward.