Medicaid at 50 May 6, 2015 Report The Medicaid program, signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson on July 30, 1965, will reach its 50th anniversary this year, a historic milestone. This report reflects on Medicaid’s accomplishments and challenges and considers the issues on the horizon that will influence the course of this major health coverage and financing program moving forward.
Visualizing Health Policy: The Role of Medicaid and Medicare in Women’s Health Care May 14, 2013 Infographic This month’s Visualizing Health Policy infographic provides information about the role of Medicaid and Medicare in women’s health care: the proportion of US women who are covered by Medicaid and Medicare; how women comprise the majority of those covered by the Medicaid and Medicare programs and the majority of those receiving long-term services and supports (such as home health care); how women on Medicaid are poorer and sicker than women with private coverage; how Medicaid is a primary payer for women’s reproductive health services; and how women on Medicare spend more than their male counterparts on medical care and also have higher rates of health problems and social challenges.
Stop the Drop: Profiles of Innovative Medicaid Renewal Initiatives and Lessons for 2014 and Beyond May 14, 2013 Event Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), there will be a new continuum of coverage options available beginning in 2014. While there currently is significant focus on enrolling eligible people into these new coverage options, it also is important to plan for how to keep eligible people enrolled in coverage over…
State Medicaid Coverage of Family Planning Services: Summary of State Survey Findings November 1, 2009 Report This report presents state-by-state policies on coverage of key areas in reproductive health for low-income women, including contraception, preconception care, screenings for sexually transmitted diseases and coverage within special state Medicaid family planning programs.
The Growth of Managed Care: Are Women Getting What They Need? May 5, 1996 Fact Sheet How the Changing Health Care Marketplace Affects Coverage and Access to Reproductive Health A fact sheet, Q&A and resource list prepared for a media briefing held in New York on March 27, 1996. The purpose of the briefing was to respond to questions about how reproductive health services are currently…
Profiles of Medicaid Outreach and Enrollment Strategies: Helping Families Maintain Coverage in Michigan May 14, 2013 Issue Brief This brief provides insight into lessons learned from Medicaid and CHIP outreach and enrollment strategies by profiling a successful initiative of the Michigan Primary Care Association to facilitate coverage renewals through a systematic, technology-based reminder system coupled with one-on-one assistance. The brief is part of the “Getting Into Gear for…
Reversing the Trend? Understanding the Recent Increase in Health Insurance Coverage among the Nonelderly Population March 1, 2013 Issue Brief This brief examines why the number of nonelderly uninsured people in the U.S. declined by 1.2 million in 2011, the latest year for which Census data are available. The analysis finds that the decrease – a reversal of the rise in the uninsured in previous years stemming from the recent…
Olmstead: I Did It June 1, 2004 Video This Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured video segment returns to the plaintiffs of the Olmstead case five years after the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision. It reports on the impact of the decision for individuals with disabilities and some of the challenges that remain in the implementation of…
Medicare at 40 July 10, 2005 Video The Kaiser Family Foundation has produced three documentaries to mark the 40th anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid. The documentaries examine the social needs that led policymakers to create these programs, the expectations of what they would achieve and the reality of these programs today. Key policymakers, staff officials and members…