Characteristics of the Uninsured: Who Is Eligible for Public Coverage and Who Needs Help Affording Coverage? January 30, 2007 Issue Brief This brief analyzes health coverage data and determines that 25% of the nation's uninsured population is eligible for either Medicaid or SCHIP. The brief goes on to describe the characteristics of the population. Issue Brief (.pdf)
Covering the Uninsured: Growing Need, Strained Resources January 18, 2007 Fact Sheet Covering the Uninsured: Growing Need, Strained Resources This summary of key findings provides an overview of studies examining trends in health coverage and federal spending on the health care safety net. Fact Sheet (.pdf)
New Publications Examine SCHIP Experience; Trends in Access to Medicaid and SCHIP Coverage January 9, 2007 Fact Sheet Maintaining and expanding health coverage for children and parents will likely be in the forefront of health care policy debates in Washington and state capitols in 2007. With states generally in better financial shape since the fiscal crisis earlier in the decade, many have expressed interest in improving access to…
Health Coverage For Low-Income Children. January 5, 2007 Fact Sheet Health Coverage For Low-Income Children This fact sheet profiles the low-income children population, describes sources of health insurance coverage for the population, and summarizes trends and issues about their health coverage. Fact Sheet (.pdf)
Health Care: Squeezing The Middle Class With More Costs and Less Coverage January 2, 2007 Event Health Care: Squeezing The Middle Class With More Costs and Less CoverageDiane Rowland, executive vice president of the Foundation and executive director of the Foundation’s Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, testified to the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means about the economic challenges of rising health care costs…
Changes in Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Sponsorship, Eligibility, and Participation: 2001 to 2005, Full Report December 31, 2006 Report This report provides a detailed account of how employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) coverage changed between 2001 and 2005, particularly among employees (i.e., workers who are not self-employed). The report begins with a short description of the major forces driving employer-sponsored insurance: changes in the workforce and the rising costs of health…
Resuming the Path to Health Coverage for Children and Parents: A 50-State Update on Eligibility Rules, Enrollment and Renewal Procedures, and Cost-Sharing Practices in Medicaid and SCHIP in 2006 December 30, 2006 Poll Finding Maintaining and expanding health coverage for children and parents will likely be in the forefront of health care policy debates in Washington and state capitols in 2007. With states generally in better financial shape since the fiscal crisis earlier in the decade, many have expressed interest in improving access to…
SCHIP Enrollment in 50 States: June 2005 Data Update December 1, 2006 Report This report finds that monthly SCHIP enrollment reached a record high of more than 4 million in June 2005, reversing the decline seen in the previous 12 month period. SCHIP enrollment rose in all but nine states, including large increase in California, Georgia, and Illinois. Report (.pdf)
Toplines: The Public’s Health Care Agenda November 30, 2006 Poll Finding These toplines provide the complete survey questions and findings from The Public’s Health Care Agenda for the New Congress and Presidential Campaign, conducted jointly by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health between November 9 and 19, 2006. The survey looks at the public’s priorities and…
The Public’s Health Care Agenda for the New Congress and Presidential Campaign, December 2006 November 29, 2006 Poll Finding This Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health National Survey looks at the public’s priorities and views on health issues as a new Democratic majority takes the leadership of Congress and as the 2008 presidential campaign begins to take shape. It focuses, in particular, on differences and similarities among Democrats,…