Brief Examines Proposed Changes to Federal Anti-Discrimination Protections in Health Care that Would Limit Protections related to Gender Identity, Access to Abortion and Language Access July 1, 2019 News Release A new brief analyzes the Trump Administration’s proposed changes to federal anti-discrimination regulations that would eliminate existing protections in health care related to gender identity and access to abortion, and narrow protections for non-English speakers.
Ask KFF: Karen Pollitz Answers 3 Questions on Why Insurers Deny Claims March 6, 2019 Issue Brief Karen Pollitz, senior fellow for health reform and private insurance at KFF, answers three questions about denied claims and how the federal government may change the data insurers are required to report on this issue.
Analysis: Marketplace Plans Denied an Average of Nearly One in Five Claims in 2017 with Wide Variations across Insurers February 25, 2019 News Release marketplace insurers denied nearly one out of every five claims (19%) submitted for in-network services in 2017, and enrollees only appeal a tiny share (0.5%) of those denied claims, a KFF analysis of recently released claims data finds. The analysis finds a huge variation across insurers, with average denial…
Para consumidores que estén considerando planes de salud de corto plazo… October 30, 2018 Fact Sheet Esta hoja informativa ofrece datos sobre los planes de salud de corto plazo y en qué se diferencian de las pólizas que cumplen con ACA.
JAMA Forum: What Does it Mean to Protect People with Preexisting Conditions? October 17, 2018 Perspective In this June 2018 post for The JAMA Forum, Larry Levitt examines the potential impact of the Trump Administration’s legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act’s protections for people with pre-existing conditions.
Medigap Enrollment and Consumer Protections Vary Across States July 11, 2018 Issue Brief A quarter of people in traditional Medicare had private, supplemental health insurance in 2015—also known as Medigap—to help cover their Medicare deductibles and cost-sharing requirements, as well as protect themselves against catastrophic expenses for Medicare-covered services. This issue brief examines implications for older adults with pre-existing medical conditions who may be unable to purchase a Medigap policy or change their supplemental coverage after their initial open enrollment period.
Short-Term Limited Duration Plans and HIV June 21, 2018 Issue Brief Given the Trump Administration’s promotion of short-term limited-duration (STLD) health insurance policies, this brief examines what they mean for people with HIV. The analysis assesses whether people with HIV could enroll in STLD plans by applying to 38 plans across five states and getting in each case. It also assesses whether such plans could meet basic HIV care and treatment needs for someone diagnosed once enrolled. This finding takes on new importance in light of the Administration’s decision not to defend the ACA and to argue for eliminating pre-existing condition protections.
Federal law market rules for private health insurance sold to individuals and groups June 14, 2018 Slide
Yes, the Trump administration promotes consumer choice — for healthy people May 1, 2018 Perspective In this Washington Post op-ed column, Karen Pollitz examines how the Trump Administration’s efforts to promote coverage through short-term health insurance policies, rather than Affordable Care Act coverage, creates trade offs for consumers.
Analysis: Most Short-Term Health Plans Don’t Cover Drug Treatment or Prescription Drugs, and None Cover Maternity Care April 23, 2018 News Release A new Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of short-term, limited duration health plans for sale through two major national online brokers finds big gaps in the benefits they offer. Through an executive order and proposed new regulations, the Trump Administration is seeking to encourage broader use of short-term, limited duration health…