SCHIP Reauthorization: Key Questions in the Debate – A Description of New Administrative Guidance and the House and Senate Proposals – Issue Brief August 1, 2007 Issue Brief SCHIP Reauthorization: Key Questions in the Debate – A Description of New Administrative Guidance and the House and Senate ProposalsThe U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives have approved legislation to reauthorize the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), which covers six million low-income children today. With the release of…
Making Sense of Recent Estimates of Eligible but Uninsured Children July 31, 2007 Issue Brief As Congress reauthorizes the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), accurate estimates of the number of children who are eligible for Medicaid and SCHIP but remain uninsured are critical for policy and budget development. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) concluded that there are between 5 and 6 million children who…
A Race to the Top: Illinois’s All Kids Initiative July 31, 2007 Report A Race to the Top: Illinois’s All Kids InitiativeIn the summer of 2006, Illinois launched All Kids, the nation’s first universal coverage program for children. Several states have observed Illinois’ experience and are proceeding with their own coverage initiatives. This case study of Illinois' All Kids initiative describes the key…
Fact Sheets Summarize President’s Budget Proposals for Health Insurance Coverage, Including Medicaid and SCHIP May 2, 2007 Fact Sheet Fact Sheets Summarize President’s Budget Proposals for Health Insurance Coverage, Including Medicaid and SCHIP The President’s fiscal year 2008 budget proposal includes changes to Medicaid, provisions for the reauthorization of SCHIP, and the health coverage initiative, Affordable Choices. These fact sheets provide an overview of President Bush’s policy plans on…
Family Coverage Under SCHIP Waivers April 30, 2007 Issue Brief Currently, eleven states cover parents with SCHIP funds via a federal waiver. This paper examines these programs and considers them within the context of the states' efforts to cover children. Issue Brief (.pdf)
Health Insurance Coverage and Access to Care for Low-Income Non-Citizen Children April 30, 2007 Issue Brief Largely due to a high uninsured rate, low-income, non-citizen children have very poor access to care, with many lacking a regular provider and going without preventive care. This brief examines health coverage and access to care for low-income, non-citizen children to provide insight into the challenges they face in obtaining…
Enrolling Children in Medicaid and SCHIP: Insights From Focus Groups With Low-Income Parents April 30, 2007 Report This focus group report explores the perceptions, motivations, and experiences of low-income parents enrolling their children in Medicaid and SCHIP. The 11 focus groups were conducted in Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles and Miami in early 2007. Report (.pdf)
E-Health Snapshot: Harnessing Technology To Improve Medicaid and SCHIP Enrollment and Retention Practices April 30, 2007 Report Information technology holds considerable promise for improving outreach to families with uninsured children, getting them enrolled in Medicaid and SCHIP and keeping them covered. This report documents the promising practices underway across the country to use technology to make enrollment and renewal more efficient, more responsive to family needs and…
President’s FY2008 Budget and The State Children’s Health Insurance Program April 2, 2007 Fact Sheet President’s FY2008 Budget and The State Children’s Health Insurance Program The State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) was established in 1997 to build on Medicaid’s coverage of children. The program must be reauthorized this year to continue uninterrupted. This fact sheet summarizes the President’s budget proposal to reauthorize the SCHIP…
The State Children’s Health Insurance Program: Lessons and Outlook March 30, 2007 Event The State Children’s Health Insurance Program: Lessons and OutlookBarbara Lyons, a vice president of the Foundation and deputy director of the Foundation’s Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, testified before a field hearing of the U.S. Committee on Finance about lessons learned from ten years of the State Children’s Health…