Medicaid Enrollees and Work Requirements: Lessons From the TANF Experience August 18, 2017 Issue Brief This issue brief considers the implications of conditioning Medicaid eligibility on satisfying a work requirement, drawing on state experience with TANF enrollees subject to a work requirement over the past two decades and data about work and the role of health coverage among Medicaid enrollees today.
Using Medicaid to Wrap Around Private Insurance: Key Questions to Consider July 25, 2017 Issue Brief This issue brief raises three key questions for consideration if using Medicaid to wrap around private coverage is going to be considered as an alternative to the ACA’s Medicaid expansion under the BCRA. We draw on existing information about state Medicaid premium assistance programs to date, the administrative complexity involved, and the financing implications of premium assistance programs.
Brief Examines State Requests to Impose Work Requirements in Medicaid March 24, 2017 News Release The proposed American Health Care Act (AHCA) includes a state option to make Medicaid eligibility for nondisabled, nonelderly, non-pregnant adults conditional upon satisfaction of a work requirement. Although the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services denied all state Section 1115 waiver requests to institute such work requirements under the Obama…
Streamlining Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services: Key Policy Questions March 11, 2016 Issue Brief This issue brief draws on features of the various existing Medicaid home and community-based services (HCBS) programs to identify key policy questions raised by initiatives to streamline Medicaid HCBS, ameliorate institutional bias, and improve administrative simplification.