Aging Out of Medicaid: What is the Risk of Becoming Uninsured? March 19, 2010 Issue Brief This policy brief uses the most recent available data to examine the patterns of health coverage for young adults after they turn 19 and typically are no longer eligible for Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Medicaid is a key source of coverage for children in the U.S.,…
Assessing the Risk of Becoming Uninsured After Leaving a Job: A Look at the Data March 17, 2010 Fact Sheet This fact sheet examines the impact of unemployment on health insurance coverage by using data from 2004 to 2007 (before the current recession) to assess the increased risk of becoming uninsured among those who are no longer employed. It finds that more than one-third of individuals who stopped working and…
CHIP TIPS: Children’s Oral Health Benefits March 8, 2010 Issue Brief This brief examines a new requirement under the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 that state CHIP programs cover comprehensive dental benefits. The reauthorization law also allows states with separate CHIP programs to offer a dental-only plan for children who have other health insurance but lack adequate dental…
Better Care & Lower Costs: Exploring the Promise of Patient Engagement February 27, 2010 Event 03/05/10 Engaging consumers more directly in their care may improve health outcomes and help control the costs of care. This briefing, cosponsored by the Alliance for Health Reform and the AARP Public Policy Institute, focused on the potential for changing consumer behavior to promote the use of effective interventions and…
Issues for Structuring Interim High-Risk Pools December 30, 2009 Issue Brief One of the first provisions that would be implemented under federal health reform bills in the House and the Senate would establish a national high-risk pool program to offer coverage to otherwise uninsurable individuals during the interim period between enactment and implementation of broader health care reforms. High-risk pools provide…
Today’s Topics In Health Disparities: What Might Health Reform Mean for Women of Color? December 10, 2009 Event This December 16, 2009, Today’s Topics In Health Disparities webcast examined aspects of the current Senate and House health reform bills that particularly impact women of color. Women tend to be greater users of the health care system than men, have higher rates of some chronic illnesses, and have unique…
Immigrants’ Health Coverage and Health Reform: Key Questions and Answers November 30, 2009 Issue Brief As health reform discussions continue, there has been some focus on health coverage for immigrants and how immigrants will be treated under reform plans being considered on Capitol Hill. This issue brief provides an overview of key questions related to immigrants’ health coverage and health reform, addressing subjects such as…
Getting the Most Bang for Our Health Reform Buck: Enrolling and Retaining Everyone Who’s Eligible November 29, 2009 Event As Congress looks for ways to increase access to health care, existing programs such as Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program are often overlooked. Yet enrolling those who are eligible for such programs is one of the easiest ways to expand coverage. This briefing, co-sponsored by Alliance for Health…
Health Care In New Orleans: Progress and Remaining Challenges November 29, 2009 Event On Dec. 3, 2009, Diane Rowland, the Foundation Executive Vice President and Executive Director of the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, delivered this testimony on the post-Katrina recovery efforts to restore health care to the New Orleans area before the U.S.House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Testimony…
A Foundation for Health Reform: Findings of An Annual 50-State Survey of Eligibility Rules, Enrollment and Renewal Procedures and Cost-Sharing Practices in Medicaid and CHIP for Children and Parents During 2009 November 29, 2009 Report In 2009, despite the bleakest economic picture in years, states managed to safeguard and in some cases expand health coverage for children and parents in their Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Programs, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation’s annual 50-state survey of Medicaid and CHIP eligibility rules, enrollment and renewal…