Abortion Coverage in the Bipartisan Health Care Stabilization Act of 2018 (S. 1771) March 22, 2018 Issue Brief This issue brief reviews current federal and state policies on private insurance coverage of abortion services, and how the Bipartisan Health Care Stabilization Act of 2018 would affect abortion coverage for women enrolled in the individual market.
Abortion Coverage in the Premium Relief Act of 2017 (HR 4666) March 19, 2018 Issue Brief This issue brief reviews current federal and state policies on private insurance coverage of abortion services, and how the Premium Relief Act of 2017 would affect abortion coverage for women enrolled in the individual market and some small group plans.
Analysis: Insurance Riders to Cover Abortion Services Not Available to Women in States That Restrict Abortion Coverage February 14, 2018 News Release In 10 states, insurance plans are currently banned from including abortion as a covered service in state-regulated private plans — all individually purchased policies and fully-insured group plans. Most of these laws do not include exceptions for rape, incest, or health endangerment. In nine of these states, insurers may sell…
Abortion Riders: Women Living in States with Insurance Restrictions Lack Abortion Coverage Options February 13, 2018 Issue Brief This data note explores the extent to which abortion riders are available in the states that restrict abortion coverage in state-regulated private plans and permit insurance carriers to sell abortion riders.
How Many Foreign NGOs Are Subject to the Expanded Mexico City Policy? December 4, 2017 Issue Brief This brief looks at one of the key outstanding questions about the potential impact of the expanded Mexico City Policy (or “Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance”): the size of the universe of affected NGOs.
Abortion Coverage, Private Insurance Plans, and the American Health Care Act June 21, 2017 News Release The American Health Care Act passed by House Republicans in May would go further than existing law to restrict the availability of abortion coverage through private insurance policies. It would ban abortion coverage in all marketplace plans as well as prohibit the use of federal tax credits to purchase any…
Abortion Coverage in Private Insurance Plans Under the American Health Care Act June 21, 2017 Issue Brief This issue brief reviews current federal and state policies on private insurance coverage of abortion services, and the potential conflict between the AHCA provision and state laws regulating private insurance.
What Is the Scope of the Mexico City Policy: Assessing Abortion Laws in Countries That Receive U.S. Global Health Assistance May 3, 2017 Issue Brief This data note assesses how the Mexico City Policy affects the provision of legal abortion services in U.S. assisted countries. The policy requires foreign NGOs to certify that they will not “perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning” using funds from any source (including non-U.S. funds) as a condition for receiving most U.S. government global health assistance.
Poll: Early Perceptions of House Bill Show Public Thinks It Would Cover Fewer People and Raise Health Costs March 15, 2017 News Release Republicans More Likely to Expect Positive Changes Than Democrats or Independents Large Majority Favors Continued Medicaid Funding to Planned Parenthood Fielded March 6-12 as Americans were first learning about the American Health Care Act and before the Congressional Budget Office estimated its effects, the latest Kaiser Tracking Poll shows that…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: ACA, Replacement Plans, Women’s Health March 15, 2017 Poll Finding The latest Kaiser Health Tracking Poll examines the public’s early attitudes towards the House Republican plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act and finds that more expect the new plan will make things worse rather than better when it comes to the number of people with coverage and costs for those buying insurance on their own. The survey also measures public support for continuing current federal Medicaid funding to Planned Parenthood, gauges the importance of various ACA provisions for women’s and children’s health, and revisits the public’s knowledge on key provisions included in the health care law.