Most Women Say They Are More Likely to Vote for a Candidate Who Wants to Enact Stronger Workplace Protections Against Sexual Assault September 20, 2018 Slide
Existing laws requiring abortion clinics to meet surgical center standards and require abortion providers to have hospital privileges June 17, 2016 Slide
US Appeals Court Rulings on Lawsuits by Nonprofits Objecting to Contraception February 18, 2016 Slide
Women’s Views on Whether Contraception Mandate Should Apply to For-Profit Companies Whose Owners Object July 1, 2014 Slide
Legal Analysis of the Supreme Court Ruling on Hobby Lobby June 30, 2014 Slide This chart looks at the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Hobby Lobby case involving the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) contraceptive coverage requirement. It examines how the Court answered four key questions in the case.
Current State Decision on Medicaid Expansion and Share of Uninsured Women in Each State November 12, 2013 Slide