Most Democrats and Democrat-Leaning Independents Favor Both Public Option and Medicare-for-all December 13, 2019 Slide 66% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents — a majority — favor both a public option and Medicare-for-all. Minorities of those who favor either Medicare-for-all or a public option exclusively favor one proposal over the other.
Despite ACA Coverage, Only 27% of Women Have Discussed Intimate Partner Violence With Their Provider December 6, 2019 Slide The Affordable Care Act provides protections and requires coverage of specific support services to people who have experienced intimate partner violence (IPV). Despite these protections, only 27 percent of women have discussed IPV with their provider.
36 States Saw Declines in Monthly Medicaid, CHIP Enrollment Since 2017 November 26, 2019 Slide Following enrollment gains since the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid and CHIP enrollment declined in 36 states, by 1.9 million nationwide, between December 2017 and July 2019.
Hispanics Saw Greatest Improvement in Health Coverage, Access, and Use Since ACA November 15, 2019 Slide All racial and ethnic groups experienced improvements in health coverage, access, and utilization compared to prior to the ACA, but Hispanics and Blacks experienced improvements in the largest number of the examined measures related to coverage, access, and use.
Most Trump Voters Say Nothing Would Change Their Vote, 3 in 10 Can Name a Policy Position That Would November 8, 2019 Slide Most Republican voters approve of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president, and large majorities approve of his approach on key national issues. Small shares of Trump voters (28%) can imagine a scenario in which he enacts a policy, or fails to enact a policy, that would result in them changing their vote choice.
UnitedHealthcare Has Largest and Fastest Growing Share of Medicare Advantage Enrollees Over Past Decade October 18, 2019 Slide While Medicare Advantage enrollment is highly concentrated among a small number of firms, UnitedHealthcare has seen the largest and fastest growing share of enrollees over the past decade. Learn more in this Chart of the Week.
What Do We Know About Infant Mortality in the U.S. and Comparable Countries? October 18, 2019 Slideshow
Visualizing Health Policy: US Public’s Perspective on Prescription Drug Costs October 15, 2019 Slideshow
Nearly 4 in 10 Adults With Mental Illness Reporting Thoughts of Suicide Did Not Receive Needed Care October 10, 2019 Slide Nearly 4 in 10 — or 36% — of adults with mental illness reporting thoughts of suicide did not receive needed mental health care in the past year. Learn more in this Chart of the Week: