Overview of Selected Medicare Provisions: A Side-by-Side Comparison of Medicare Current Law with Selected House and Senate Provisions to the Balanced – Report June 29, 1997 Report Understanding the Growth in Medicare's Home Health ExpendituresOverview Of Selected Medicare Provisions:A Side-by-Side Comparison of Medicare Current Law with House and Senate Provisions to the Balanced Budget Act of 1997Prepared by: Health Policy Alternatives, Inc.Prepared for: The Henry J. Kaiser Family FoundationJuly 1997PrefaceThis report, prepared by Health Policy Alternatives, presents…
Children’s Health Insurance: 1997 Budget Reconciliation Provisions June 29, 1997 Report Children's Health Insurance: 1997 Budget Reconciliation ProvisionsA side by side of children's health insurance budget reconciliation provisions comparing House and Senate bills as of 07/09/97.Report Report
Primer on the Federal Budget, July 1997 June 29, 1997 Report This report provides information on key budgetary facts and trends and highlights federal spending in health care programs. It includes an overview of federal revenues and spending in fiscal year 1995, an overview of the budget “window” from fiscal year1996 through fiscal year 2002, and the historical context for the…
Contraception in the 90’s: Which Methods Are Most Widely Used? And, Who Uses What? May 31, 1997 Fact Sheet Contraception in the 90’s: Which Methods Are Most Widely Used? And, Who Uses What? A fact sheet and resource list on new contraceptive use data from the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) from a briefing on the topic held in New York City on June 20, 1997. Contraception…
Kaiser/Harvard Health News Index June 1997 May 30, 1997 Poll Finding The June 1997 edition of the Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard Health News Index includes questions about major health issues covered in the news,including questions about Late-Term Abortions, Sexual Activity among Teens and the Tobacco Industry. The survey is based on a national random sample of 1,202 Americans conducted from April 28…
Preventing Unintended Pregnancies: The Cost-Effectiveness of Three Methods of Emergency Contraception May 30, 1997 Report Preventing Unintended Pregnancies: The Cost-Effectiveness of Three Methods of Emergency Contraception Report: Preventing Unintended Pregnancy: The Cost-Effectiveness of Three Methods of Emergency Contraception
Public Knowledge and Perceptions About Unplanned Pregnancy and Contraception in Three Countries May 30, 1997 Report Report:
Documenting the Power of Television – A Survey of Regular E.R. Viewers about Emergency Contraception May 30, 1997 Poll Finding A national random sample telephone survey of 700 regular ER viewers before and after the April 10th episode, featuring a date rape victim who learns that she still has contraceptive options to help prevent pregnancy, even after having unprotected sex. While in the emergency room, she learns that if she…
Medicare/Medicaid Dual Eligibles: Fiscal and Social Responsibilities for Vulnerable Populations April 29, 1997 Report Report: Medicare/Medicaid Dual Eligibles: Fiscal And Social Responsibility For Vulnerable Populations
Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Demonstrations under Section 1115 of the Social Security Act: April 29, 1997 Report A Review of the Waiver Applications, Letters of Approval and Special Terms and ConditionsThis background paper provides a summary of the key features of the Medicaid 1115 waivers that have been approved, proposed, implemented and conditionally rejected. This July version updates Medicaid 1115 Demonstration Waivers: Approved and Proposed Activities as…