Web Briefing for Journalists – Potential Changes to Health Care Access and Coverage: What’s at Stake for Women? March 15, 2017 Event House Republicans’ American Health Care Act and other actions under discussion by President Donald Trump’s administration and the new Congress could profoundly affect access to health care for many women. Repeal of the Affordable Care Act, changes to its birth control coverage provision, and new state and federal abortion restrictions,…
Visualizing Health Policy: U.S. Public Opinion on Health Care Reform, 2017 March 29, 2017 Infographic This Visualizing Health Policy infographic with JAMA spotlights public opinion on health reform in the United States as of 2017, including priorities and views of the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare) and its provisions.
Key Questions About Medicaid Block Grants January 31, 2017 News Release As policymakers in Washington discuss Affordable Care Act repeal and a possible block grant for Medicaid, a new issue brief from the Kaiser Family Foundation lays out key questions to consider in restructuring federal financing of the nation’s health insurance program for low-income Americans. Capping federal funding for Medicaid through a…
Early Implementation Experience of Medicaid Expansion Waivers in Michigan and Indiana Can Help Inform Future Medicaid Waivers January 31, 2017 News Release Michigan and Indiana, led by Republican governors, each obtained a waiver from the Obama Administration to expand Medicaid in ways that differ from the terms of the Affordable Care Act. Notably, both states’ expansions include provisions related to charging enrollees premiums, requiring them to contribute to health accounts and providing…
Don’t Expect Medicaid Work Requirements to Make a Big Difference April 3, 2017 Perspective Under the Trump Administration, some Republican governors may look to move their Medicaid programs in a more conservative direction. In his latest column for Axios, Drew Altman discusses the arguments about Medicaid “work requirements” and why few people are likely to be affected by them in practice.
Governors’ Proposed Budgets for FY 2018: Focus on Medicaid and Other Health Priorities April 6, 2017 Issue Brief This report provides Medicaid highlights from governors’ proposed budgets for state fiscal year (FY) 2018, which runs from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018 in most states. Proposed budgets reflect the priorities of the governor and are often blueprints for the legislature to consider.
Why Trump’s Dealmaking Model Doesn’t Fit Health Care Policy April 20, 2017 Perspective In this column as an Axios contributor, Drew Altman discusses President Trump’s threat to withhold cost sharing subsidies and questions whether his approach to deal making can bridge health care’s partisan and ideological divide. “Health policy is not like real estate,” he says.
The Great Medicaid Divide June 21, 2017 Perspective In his Axios column, Drew Altman examines how the core views Republicans have about Medicaid differ from those of Democrats and Independents, and how those views drive the policy changes they are proposing for the program.