Targeting Medicare Drug Benefits: Costs and Issues May 30, 2001 Report This report, written by Marilyn Moon and Matthew Storeygard of the Urban Institute, estimates the potential cost of targeting drug benefits to low-income Medicare beneficiaries and those with catastrophic drug expenses and discusses some of the key programmatic issues that could arise under this approach. The authors predict that a…
Health News Index – November/December 2000 November 30, 2000 Poll Finding Health News Index November/December, 2000 The November/December 2000 edition of the Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health, Health News Index includes questions about how closely the public is following major health stories covered in the news during November. It also includes a year 2000 summary of the stories Americans…
National Survey of Teens on HIV/AIDS October 31, 2000 Issue Brief Public Knowledge and Attitudes About HIV/AIDS The Kaiser Family Foundation’s 2000, a nationally representative survey of teens ages 12-17, is designed to assess attitudes and knowledge about the epidemic among a generation at risk. The survey, released just prior to World AIDS Day, documents teen perspectives about the impact of…
Issues in the 2000 Election: The Economy October 2, 2000 Poll Finding The Washington Post/Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard University national survey on “” is the fourth in a series of surveys examining policy issues in the 2000 national elections. This survey, conducted October 12 – 19, 2000, of a nationally representative sample of registered voters also included an oversample of “Economy”…
National Survey of Consumer Experiences with Health Plans May 30, 2000 Report A national survey of 2,500 insured adult Americans on their experiences with health plans-documents problems people have experienced with their plans, the impact of those problems, and how people resolve their disputes with their health plans. The survey was designed and analyzed by the Kaiser Family Foundation staff with advice…
NewsHour/Kaiser Survey Underscores Difficulties Faced by Those Without Health Insurance April 29, 2000 Report The National Survey on the Uninsured from The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer and the Kaiser Family Foundation is this year's first nationwide survey on Americans' attitudes about the growing uninsured population and the difficulties uninsured people face getting medical care. The survey also assesses public attitudes on options to address…
Medicaid-Related Provisions in the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 March 2, 2000 Report In December, the President signed into law the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999, which includes provisions that will give states additional options for extending Medicaid coverage to working disabled individuals. This memo presents an overview of the eligibility options offered under the new legislation (Publication…
Medicaid and Children: Overcoming Barriers to Enrollment December 31, 1999 Report Findings from a National SurveyThis national telephone survey of low-income parents represents a major effort to better understand the barriers to Medicaid enrollment and to test the usefulness of ideas to facilitate enrollment in a quantitative way. Examining both parents of uninsured children who appear eligible for Medicaid and parents…
Managed Care and Low-Income Populations in Florida: 1996-1998 Update December 2, 1999 Report This report, Managed Care and Low Income Populations in Florida: 1996-1998 Update, updates our 1996 case study of Florida's Medicaid managed care initiatives and their effect on low-income populations. The focus of this report is on how the program has matured and how it has affected access to care and…
If The FDA Approves Mifepristone…What Happens Next? Will Doctors Provide It? Will Women Want It? And, What Effect Will it Have on Abortion Politics? May 31, 2000 Report For almost 20 years, women's health advocates have been pushing for U.S. approval of mifepristone (also known as “RU-486”), a non-surgical abortion method that European women have used for a decade. Now that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) seems poised to give the final go-ahead, the big question is:…