Survey on the Role of Health Care Interest Groups –Toplines September 2, 2009 Poll Finding These toplines are of a survey conducted jointly by NPR, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and the Harvard School of Public Health examines the public’s views and opinions of the role of health care interest groups in the ongoing federal health care debate. The survey examines whether people feel their views…
Survey on the Role of Health Care Interest Groups–Summary and Charts September 2, 2009 Poll Finding This summary and chartpack are from a survey conducted jointly by NPR, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and the Harvard School of Public Health examines the public’s views and opinions of the role of health care interest groups in the ongoing federal health care debate. The survey examines whether people feel…
The Crunch Continues: Medicaid Spending, Coverage and Policy in the Midst of a Recession September 2, 2009 Event This annual 50-state survey finds that number of people on Medicaid and state spending on the program are climbing sharply as a result of the recession, straining state budgets and pressuring officials to curb costs despite increased financial help from the federal government through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act…
Chartpack: Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — September 2009 September 1, 2009 Poll Finding This document contains the chartpack from the September Health Tracking Poll. The survey was designed and analyzed by public opinion researchers at the Kaiser Family Foundation and was conducted August 4 through August 11, 2009, among a nationally representative random sample of 1,203 adults ages 18 and older. Telephone interviews…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — September 2009 September 1, 2009 Poll Finding The September Kaiser Health Tracking Poll finds that public support for health reform ended its summer slide, reversed course and moved modestly upwards in September. The survey also finds initial majority support for taxing expensive health plans and imposing fees on insurers to pay for reform. Fifty-seven percent of Americans…
Key Findings: Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — September 2009 September 1, 2009 Poll Finding This document contains the key findings from the September Health Tracking Poll. The survey was designed and analyzed by public opinion researchers at the Kaiser Family Foundation and was conducted September 11 through September 18, 2009, among a nationally representative random sample of 1,203 adults ages 18 and older. Telephone…
Toplines: Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — September 2009 September 1, 2009 Poll Finding This document contains the toplines from the September Health Tracking Poll. The survey was designed and analyzed by public opinion researchers at the Kaiser Family Foundation and was conducted September 11 through September 18, 2009, among a nationally representative random sample of 1,203 adults ages 18 and older. Telephone interviews…
A Profile of American Indians and Alaska Natives and Their Health Coverage September 1, 2009 Issue Brief A Profile of American Indians and Alaska Natives and Their Health Coverage This brief examines the health coverage, access to care and health status of American Indians and Alaska Natives across the country. Although the U.S. government has an established responsibility through tribal agreements to provide health care services to…
Data Note: Americans’ Satisfaction with Insurance Coverage August 31, 2009 Issue Brief This data note explores who is more or less likely to say that they are satisfied with their health insurance plan, examines how people’s opinions of their plan vary with health status and what people’s health care experiences and concerns can tell us about their health coverage. Overall, the Foundation’s…
Ask the Experts About Reform: Where Are We Now and Where Are We Headed? August 31, 2009 Event The Alliance for Health Reform and Eli Lilly co-sponsored this briefing to have an expanded panel of prominent experts answer questions about the current health reform efforts. Questions addressed include: What is the status of major reform bills? How do they differ from each other, and from the plan that…