Medicaid Overview: Briefing Charts March 30, 2001 Report Complements the Medicaid primer by providing basic information and statistics about the program through a series of charts.Chart Pack
Access to Care for S-CHIP Adolescents March 30, 2001 Report The second in a series of reports on implementation issues and challenges in the first year of S-CHIP finds that the five study states have not focused special attention on the unique service needs of this age group, such as risk assessment and counseling, reproductive and sexual health services, and…
Health Coverage for Low-Income Children March 2, 2001 Fact Sheet This fact sheet, last updated in March 2001, discusses health insurance status of low-income children and reviews current programs to provide coverage to this population.
Medicaid Managed Care for Dual Eligibles: State Profiles March 2, 2001 Report Over half a million duals were enrolled in Medicaid managed care programs in 1999. This report summarizes these efforts across the nation and profiles initiatives in each state.Background Paper
Medicaid Managed Care for Dual Eligibles: Case Studies of Programs in Georgia, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania March 2, 2001 Report This report, a companion piece to publication #2246, presents detailed case studies of the managed care programs that enroll dual eligibles in three states: Georgia, Minnesota and Pennsylvania.Report
National ADAP Monitoring Project: Annual Report, 2001 March 1, 2001 Report National ADAP Monitoring Project Report This report, the fifth in an annual series, provides an overview of the status of state-administered AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs) and documents how these programs are responding to the changing fiscal, clinical and epidemiological dynamics of HIV/AIDS. ADAPs, authorized under Title II of the…
Improving Prescription Drug Coverage: Opportunities and Challenges for Reform March 1, 2001 Event Tricia Neuman, Vice President and Director of the Medicare Policy Project, testified before the Senate Finance Committee on prescription drug coverage under Medicare. The statement reviews existing sources of prescription drug coverage for Medicare beneficiaries and the importance of such coverage for this population. It reviews current approaches for improving…
Is Immigration Responsible for the Growth in the Number of the Uninsured? February 28, 2001 Report This issue paper analyzes the role of immigrants in the growth of the number uninsured people in America. Results show that recent immigrants are not the reason for the growth in the number of the uninsured from 1994 to 1998 despite their high rates of uninsurance. Issue Paper
Low-Income and Uninsured: The Challenge for Extending Coverage February 28, 2001 Event Diane Rowland, executive director of the Commission, testified to the Senate Committee on Finance about the low-income uninsured. The testimony provides a comprehensive description and analysis of the population and discusses the challenges of providing them health coverage. Please note: the video is no longer available. If you have an urgent…
Talking with Kids (and Parents) A New Public Information Partnership with Nickelodeon February 27, 2001 Report Talking with Kids About Tough Issues has teamed up with Nickelodeon in a national initiative launching March 8th, 2001 to support parent-child communication about “tough issues”-sex, violence, drugs and respect. The partnership will kick off with the release of data from a new survey of kids age 8-15 and their…