Standard Medicare Drug Benefit, 2006 Chart November 1, 2003 Report Standard Medicare Drug Benefit, 2006Out-of-pocket drug spending for Medicare beneficiaries under the standard Medicare drug benefit described in the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003. Chart (.pdf)
Dual Eligibles in Nursing Facilities and Medicare Drug Coverage November 1, 2003 Issue Brief This Briefing Note explores the issues presented for the design and administration of a new Medicare drug benefit by dually eligible nursing facility residents.Issue Paper (.pdf)
Shifting the Cost of Dual Eligibles: Implications for States and the Federal Government October 31, 2003 Issue Brief This issue paper provides state-level estimates on spending on dual eligibles and illustrates the fiscal effects of scenarios where the federal government assumes the cost of prescription drugs, Medicare premiums, acute care, and long-term care for this population.Issue Paper (.pdf)
Coordinating Medicaid and Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage: Findings from a Focus Group Discussion with Medicaid Directors October 31, 2003 Report This publication reports on the findings from an October 26 focus group discussion with state Medicaid officials on the implications of a Medicare drug benefit for states and dual eligibles.Report (.pdf)
States’ Concerns About the Medicare Drug Debate and the Fiscal Impact of Shifting the Cost of Dual Eligible Care October 31, 2003 Issue Brief As the U.S. Congress continues to search for an agreement on the form of a Medicare prescription drug benefit, the Commission has two new reports related to the debate. One new publication reports on findings from an October 26 discussion with state Medicaid officials on the implications of a Medicare…
Designing a Medicare Drug Discount Card: Implications of Policy Choices for Medicare Beneficiaries and Plan Sponsors October 30, 2003 Report This report analyzes key issues surrounding the implementation of a Medicare-endorsed prescription drug discount card program. Medicare prescription drug discount cards have been proposed as a short-term strategy for lowering prescription drug costs for Medicare beneficiaries. The report considers the implications for both discount card sponsors and beneficiaries of alternative…
Cost of Health Insurance: Section 1 – Page 3 October 20, 2003 Report Employer Health Benefits 2003 Annual SurveyView All Charts for This Section Monthly Premium Costs of Single and Family CoverageIn 2003, average monthly premiums for single and family coverage (including worker and employer share of premium) are $282 and $756 respectively (Exhibit 1.12). The cost of family coverage is now nearly…
District of Columbia Health Care Access Survey, 2003 – Highlights & Chartpack October 2, 2003 Report District of Columbia Health Care Access Survey, 2003 – Highlights and ChartpackChart Pack: Highlights and Chartpack (.pdf)
Women and HIV/AIDS in the United States: Setting an Agenda for the Future October 2, 2003 Event Women represent almost one in three new HIV infections in the U.S. and the share of women among reported AIDS cases has more than tripled since 1986 from 7% to 26% of reported cases in 2001. Women of color, particularly African American women, have been hard hit, accounting for the…