Health Care in New Orleans: Before and After Katrina February 28, 2007 Event Kaiser Executive Vice President Diane Rowland testified before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations examining the continuing concerns and immediate needs in health care for New Orleans. Testimony (.pdf)
Health Care: Squeezing The Middle Class With More Costs and Less Coverage January 2, 2007 Event Health Care: Squeezing The Middle Class With More Costs and Less CoverageDiane Rowland, executive vice president of the Foundation and executive director of the Foundation’s Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, testified to the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means about the economic challenges of rising health care costs…
Chartpack: Seniors and the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit November 30, 2006 Poll Finding These charts highlight data from a poll on Seniors and the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit, conducted jointly by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health between November 9 and 19, 2006. It included a nationally representative sample of 718 seniors, including 275 who reported being enrolled…
The Teen Media Juggling Act: The Implications of Media Multitasking Among American Youth November 30, 2006 Event In recent years, the issue of media multitasking has sparked a broad discussion about the potential impact on children and youth and has raised concerns among non-profits about how best to engage young people with social marketing campaigns. To help advance understanding about the issues that surround media multitasking, the…
Chartpack: The Public’s Health Care Agenda November 29, 2006 Poll Finding These charts highlight data from The Public’s Health Care Agenda for the New Congress and Presidential Campaign, conducted jointly by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health between November 9 and 19, 2006. The survey looks at the public’s priorities and views on health issues as…
Data Note: Voters Views of the Economy: What’s Health Care Got to Do With It? October 30, 2006 Poll Finding Voters frequently cite the economy as a key issue in determining their preferences in any given election. At the same time, many people report that they are very worried about the rising costs of health care, naming it as a top personal concern. This Public Opinion Data Note focuses on…
Health Poll Report Survey: Voters on Health Care and the 2006 Elections October 1, 2006 Poll Finding This October 2006 survey examines voters’ views and worries on health care and other issues in advance of the midterm Congressional elections.Overall, nearly half (46%) of voters say they are “very worried” about having to pay more for their health care or insurance, putting health care costs at the top…
Forum on The “Reality” of Health: Reality Television and the Public Health September 30, 2006 Event Forum on The “Reality” of Health: Reality Television and the Public Health The Kaiser Family Foundation hosted a forum to examine the implications of reality TV serving as a health information resource. The forum, The “Reality” of Health: Reality Television and the Public Health, featured a senior executive from Discovery…
Forum on CDC’s New HIV Testing Recommendations September 29, 2006 Event Forum on CDC’s New HIV Testing Recommendations The Kaiser Family Foundation hosted a panel discussion on October 3 in Washington, D.C., to explore the implications of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s revised recommendations on HIV testing, which say HIV tests should become a routine part of medical care…
Consumers’ Views of Patient Safety and Quality Information September 1, 2006 Poll Finding Consumers’ Views of Patient Safety and Quality InformationThe Kaiser Family Foundation and the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality released an updated survey capturing the public’s views and knowledge of medical errors and their experiences with improving the quality of their care.Since the Institute of Medicine issued a landmark…