The Winning Health Care Message Will Be About Out of Pocket Costs April 1, 2019 Perspective Drew Altman analyzes health care messaging, concluding that its aimed mainly at activists in the base on both sides, and that the “The winning health care message will be about out of pocket costs,” in this Axios column.
Poll: Most Americans Want Congress to Prioritize Targeted Actions that Address Personal Health Care Costs; Fewer Cite Broader Reforms like Medicare-for-All and ACA Repeal as Top Priorities April 24, 2019 News Release Most Do Not Want the Supreme Court to Overturn the ACA or its Pre-Existing Conditions Protections When it comes to tackling pressing health care issues, incremental actions to address personal health care costs take precedence over broader, more partisan reforms for most Americans, according to the latest KFF Health Tracking…
Web Briefing: Making Sense of Medicare-For-All and Other Plans to Expand Public Coverage May 21, 2019 Event This web briefing with senior policy analysts at KFF examine proposals to expand public coverage like Medicare-for-all and their implications for the nation’s health care system.
State Actions to Improve the Affordability of Health Insurance in the Individual Market July 17, 2019 Issue Brief A number of states have taken steps to provide consumers with more affordable coverage options in the individual market, including the marketplaces. Some states are implementing strategies that lower premiums by building on, and increasing the stability of the individual market, while other states are expanding the availability of lower cost coverage sold outside the marketplaces that does not comply with ACA standards—an approach that could increase marketplace premiums further. This brief examines these different approaches and discusses the implications of state policy choices.
Medicare-for-All Would Eliminate Most or All of Medicaid, But No One Is Talking About It July 18, 2019 Perspective In this Axios column, Drew Altman explores the large implications of eliminating Medicaid in a Medicare-for-all system—an issue that has not received much attention in the current debate.
Kaiser Polling Data Note Finds Regional Differences in Views of Health Reform Law November 18, 2010 Perspective Based on the November Kaiser Health Tracking Poll, the latest KFF data note examines regional differences in Americans’ views of the new health reform law. Although many states in the American South and West stand to be disproportionately eligible for federal funds under the new law, the analysis finds that…
Non-Voters and Health Reform: Indifference and Confusion Over the New Law November 10, 2010 Perspective The latest Kaiser Health Tracking Poll assessed the role health reform played in voters’1 decisions in the midterm elections and the public’s overall mood towards the health reform law. This blog post focuses on a different group, people who say they are not registered or did not vote in last…
Kaiser November Tracking Poll Finds Health Care a Factor in Congressional Election, But Not a Dominant One November 9, 2010 Perspective This month’s Kaiser Health Tracking Poll, conducted during the four days following the mid-term election, asked voters in an open-ended question to name in their own words the biggest factors influencing their vote for Congress, and found that health care was a factor, but not a dominant one. Among all…
KFF June Tracking Poll Finds Health Care in the November 2010 Mix June 29, 2010 Perspective The start of summer finds Americans remain divided on the health reform law, but favorable views of the new law increased seven percentage points over the past month to 48 percent, compared to 41 percent who have “generally unfavorable” views and 10 percent who have yet to make up their…
Health Affairs Issue Focuses on Health Reform June 8, 2010 Perspective The June 2010 issue of the journal Health Affairs is dedicated to health reform, and “begins to tackle the hundreds of implementation issues inherent in health reform and offers prescriptions for averting trouble,” according to Editor-in-Chief Susan Dentzer. The issue features an article by Kaiser researchers examining past and present…