A Challenge for States: Assuring Timely Access to Optimal Long-Term Services and Supports in the Community January 30, 2011 Issue Brief The Medicaid program is a major payer for long-term services and supports (LTSS) in the United States, accounting for 40 percent of total spending for long-term services and supports. The federal government has played an active role in sponsoring initiatives to promote a shift to community-based care; and evidence from…
Pulling it Together: Forget Math and Science, Teach Civics (Or Why We Need to Bring Back Schoolhouse Rock) February 10, 2011 Perspective I am seldom surprised by our poll findings, but this month’s tracking poll produced a doozy. Twenty-two percent of the American people think the Affordable Care Act has been repealed, and another 26 percent aren’t sure. Those are surprisingly large numbers even with the 52 percent who still know it…
Medicaid Spending Growth over the Last Decade and the Great Recession, 2000-2009 February 1, 2011 Report This report examines Medicaid spending growth nationally during the last decade, with a focus on growth during the recession of 2007 to 2009. The recession-driven enrollment growth in recent years drove program spending to increase faster than national health spending overall, but on a per enrollee basis the growth in…
The Independent Payment Advisory Board: A New Approach to Controlling Medicare Spending April 13, 2011 Issue Brief In 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act authorized the creation of the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) to help control the growth in Medicare costs. Beginning in 2014, IPAB will issue recommendations to lower Medicare costs in the event that spending exceeds targets established in the health care…
Explaining Health Reform: Uses of Express Lane Strategies to Promote Participation in Coverage July 1, 2011 Issue Brief Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), millions of uninsured adults and children will gain eligibility for Medicaid or health coverage through new health insurance Exchanges beginning in 2014. The law calls upon states to develop simple and streamlined processes for establishing, verifying, and updating eligibility for Medicaid,…
The Role of the Basic Health Program in the Coverage Continuum: Opportunities, Risks & Considerations for States March 28, 2012 Issue Brief This brief assesses the potential benefits and drawbacks to states from implementing a Basic Health Program under the Affordable Care Act. The law gives states the option of creating a Basic Health Program, using federal tax money to subsidize insurance coverage for low-income residents who would otherwise be eligible to…
Health Care Use and Chronic Conditions Among Childless Adult Medicaid Enrollees in Arizona May 29, 2012 Issue Brief Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), beginning in 2014, Medicaid eligibility will expand to 133% of the federal poverty level for nearly all individuals. Arizona is one of the few states that already cover adults without dependent children in Medicaid through a longstanding Section 1115 waiver. This report, based on…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — May 2012 May 2, 2012 Poll Finding The May Health Tracking Poll focuses on the public’s perceptions and reactions to women’s reproductive health reemerging as a heated issue in policy debates and news and its potential impact on the upcoming presidential election. Three in ten women (31 percent) overall believe that there is currently a “wide-scale effort…
Pulling it Together: Duals: The National Health Reform Experiment We Should Be talking More About June 1, 2012 Perspective The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and 26 states are moving to launch a large scale managed care demonstration project potentially involving millions of the poorest, sickest, most expensive Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, the so-called dual eligibles. The experiment is getting more and more attention from policy experts,…
Oral Health in the U.S.: Key Facts June 1, 2012 Fact Sheet This fact sheet provides data on oral health care coverage and access for children, nonelderly adults and Medicaid beneficiaries, including state-by-state data on measures such as the share of adults who have had a dental visit within the past year. Fact Sheet (.pdf)