Do You Have the Facts About Medicare’s Financial Outlook for the Future? February 2, 2017 News Release Medicare is likely to be back on the federal policy agenda this year as Congress and President Trump pursue repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, and potentially consider options to reduce federal spending. When talking about Medicare, the nation’s federal health insurance program for 57 million people age 65…
Early Implementation Experience of Medicaid Expansion Waivers in Michigan and Indiana Can Help Inform Future Medicaid Waivers January 31, 2017 News Release Michigan and Indiana, led by Republican governors, each obtained a waiver from the Obama Administration to expand Medicaid in ways that differ from the terms of the Affordable Care Act. Notably, both states’ expansions include provisions related to charging enrollees premiums, requiring them to contribute to health accounts and providing…
Key Questions About Medicaid Block Grants January 31, 2017 News Release As policymakers in Washington discuss Affordable Care Act repeal and a possible block grant for Medicaid, a new issue brief from the Kaiser Family Foundation lays out key questions to consider in restructuring federal financing of the nation’s health insurance program for low-income Americans. Capping federal funding for Medicaid through a…
Private Contracts Between Doctors and Their Medicare Patients: Current Law, Proposed Changes and Implications for Beneficiaries January 23, 2017 News Release Under current law, physicians may choose to privately contract with their Medicare patients, though very few do. Under such arrangements, doctors can charge their Medicare patients any amount they determine is appropriate for their services rather than be bound to Medicare’s set fees and balance billing limits, so long as…
New Resource Explains the Impact of the Mexico City Policy January 23, 2017 News Release On January 23, President Donald Trump reinstated the Mexico City Policy, which stipulates that in order to receive U.S. global health funding, foreign non-governmental organizations (NGOs) must certify that they will not perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning using funds from any source. A new explainer…
50-State Survey of Medicaid Eligibility and Enrollment Policies in 2017: A Baseline for Measuring Future Changes January 12, 2017 News Release As the Trump administration and Republican leadership in Congress begin a new term and seek to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a new 50-state survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation offers an in-depth profile of Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) eligibility, enrollment, renewal, and cost sharing policies…
New Interactive Map with Local Data: Estimated 2016 ACA Marketplace Enrollment by Congressional District January 10, 2017 News Release As the 115th U.S. Congress deliberates the future of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, a new interactive map from the Kaiser Family Foundation provides estimates of the number of people in each congressional district who enrolled in a 2016 ACA marketplace health plan and the political party of each district’s representative as of January. The analysis also includes maps charting by state the total number of people enrolled under the ACA Medicaid expansion in 2015, along with the political parties of the governors and U.S. senators.
New Brief Examines the Future of Contraceptive Coverage January 9, 2017 News Release The Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive coverage provision made access to the full range of contraceptive methods available to millions of women with private insurance at no cost. Despite broad public support, this provision has been challenged by religious employers, with two cases reaching the Supreme Court. It is unclear how…
Poll: Public Divided on Repealing Obamacare, But Few Want It Repealed Without Replacement Details January 6, 2017 News Release As Congress begins to work on repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, the latest Kaiser Health Tracking Poll finds that one in five Americans (20%) support repeal alone, while three quarters either oppose repeal altogether (47%) or want to wait to repeal the law until the replacement plan’s details…
Turning the Spotlight on Medicare Advantage for 2017 December 21, 2016 News Release Medicare Advantage plans, which consist primarily of HMOs and PPOs, now cover almost 18 million people – nearly one-third of all Medicare beneficiaries. Medicare Advantage plans have been in the news lately because the proposed merger between Aetna and Humana, which together account for one-quarter of all Medicare Advantage enrollees,…