Financing Family Planning Services: The Impact of Reducing or Eliminating Funding May 11, 2017 News Release The American Health Care Act recently passed by the House of Representatives includes a provision to ban federal Medicaid funding of Planned Parenthood. The Trump administration has also proposed reducing funding to HHS, which funds the Title X family planning program and community health centers. A new brief from the…
Medicaid Waiver Requests in Wisconsin and Maine Seek to Impose Work Requirements and Time Limits for Beneficiaries May 10, 2017 News Release A new issue brief from the Kaiser Family Foundation highlights proposed changes to Medicaid programs in Wisconsin and Maine that include work requirements and time limits in both states, as well as drug screenings for some beneficiaries in Wisconsin. The waiver authority sought by both states would impose welfare-like restrictions…
Brief Examines Per Enrollee Medicaid Spending for Seniors and People with Disabilities, Which Varies Greatly By State May 2, 2017 News Release Medicaid coverage of acute and long-term care for more than 6 million low-income seniors and 10 million nonelderly people with disabilities accounts for nearly two-thirds of overall Medicaid spending, although such enrollees represent less than a quarter of people on Medicaid. Much of Medicaid’s spending on seniors and people with…
Poll: Majorities of Democrats, Republicans and Independents Support Actions to Lower Drug Costs, Including Allowing Americans to Buy Drugs from Canada May 1, 2017 News Release When asked about a series of health care priorities facing President Trump and Congress, six in 10 Americans (60%) identify lowering the cost of prescription drugs as a “top priority” for President Trump and Congress – including majorities of Democrats, independents, and Republicans. The latest Kaiser Health Tracking Survey examines…
Medicaid Family Planning and Maternity Care Services: The Current Landscape April 27, 2017 News Release As the Trump Administration and Congress weigh major changes to Medicaid and programs that fund reproductive health care, new analyses from the Kaiser Family Foundation highlight the current state of coverage and challenges for family planning, pregnancy, and perinatal services in the Medicaid program that provides coverage for millions of…
Kaiser/Economist Survey Highlights Americans’ Views and Experiences with End-of-Life Care, With Comparisons to Residents of Italy, Japan and Brazil April 27, 2017 News Release Half of Americans — including nearly six in ten of those in fair or poor health – say people in the U.S. have too little control over their end-of-life medical decisions, finds a new Kaiser Family Foundation/Economist survey examining views and experiences with end-of-life care in the U.S. and three…
Poll: Majority Opposes Hard-Ball Negotiating Tactics to Replace the Affordable Care Act, But Republicans Support It April 26, 2017 News Release Somewhat More Want President Trump and Republicans to Continue Working on ACA Repeal and Replace than Want Them to Move onto Other Priorities With President Trump and Congress continuing to discuss repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, a majority of the public opposes using hard-ball tactics as a way…
Medicaid Fills Coverage Gaps in Rural Areas, Where Residents Are More Likely Than in Urban Areas to Be Low Income, Have a Disability, Be Unemployed or Lack Private Health Insurance April 25, 2017 News Release A new brief from the Kaiser Family Foundation examines the role of Medicaid in rural America. The 52 million children and nonelderly adults living in the most rural areas of the U.S. are more likely to be low income, more likely to have a disability and less likely to be employed…
Federal Government Could See Net Increase of $2.3 Billion in Costs in 2018 if ACA Cost-Sharing Reduction Payments Eliminated April 25, 2017 News Release Ceasing payments for the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) cost-sharing reduction program could save $10 billion, but cost an additional $12.3 billion in premium tax credits – an estimated net increase of $2.3 billion, or 23 percent, in federal spending on marketplace subsidies – in 2018, if insurers continue to participate…
Analysis: Insurer Financial Indicators Show Signs of Stabilizing After Transition to ACA Marketplaces April 21, 2017 News Release A new Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of key insurer financial indicators suggests that the individual insurance market showed signs of stabilizing in 2016, although profitability remained below the level of performance prior to the opening of the Affordable Care Act’s insurance marketplaces. The new analysis tracks insurer financial performance in…