Analysis: Before ACA Benefits Rules, Care for Maternity, Mental Health, Substance Abuse Most Often Uncovered by Non-Group Health Plans June 14, 2017 News Release Three in four health plans in the non-group insurance market did not cover delivery and inpatient maternity care in 2013, before the Affordable Care Act (ACA) essential health benefits requirement took effect, finds a new Kaiser Family Foundation analysis. Other major benefits most often left uncovered before the ACA include…
Modeling the Impact of Global Health Budget Cuts on HIV, TB, Family Planning, and Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health June 14, 2017 News Release President Trump’s fiscal year 2018 budget request would cut global health programs by approximately $2.5 billion. As Congress begins considering the Administration’s request, a new Kaiser Family Foundation analysis models the potential impact of the Administration’s proposed budget, as well as two budget scenarios with more modest decreases. Among the…
1 in 3 People in Medicare is Now in Medicare Advantage, With Enrollment Still Concentrated Among a Handful of Insurers June 6, 2017 News Release For the first time, 1 in every 3 people with Medicare is enrolled in Medicare Advantage, the private Medicare plans that have played an increasingly large role in the Medicare program over the past decade, according to a new analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Medicare Advantage enrollment has more…
5 Million More Older Americans Would Become Uninsured under the House GOP Health Bill, and Many with Coverage Would Pay Steep Increases in Premiums June 5, 2017 News Release As a group, older Americans are likely to see some of the biggest changes in their health insurance under the House-passed American Health Care Act (AHCA). The Congressional Budget Office projects that the number of 50- to 64-year-olds who are uninsured would rise to 10 million in 2026, about 5.1…
What Challenges Could State Insurance Markets Face Under the House’s American Health Care Act? June 5, 2017 News Release A new brief from the Kaiser Family Foundation outlines options for state insurance markets and challenges that states could face under the House’s replacement for the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Passed by the House on May 4 and now under consideration by the Senate, the American Health Care Act (AHCA)…
Large Majorities of Democrats, Independents, and Republicans Want Continued Federal Funding for Medicaid Expansion June 2, 2017 News Release Majority of Republicans See Medicaid As Welfare While Democrats and Independents See It As Insurance As Congress weighs major budget cuts and structural changes to Medicaid as part of its effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), majorities of the public are wary of those changes to…
How do Premiums and Cost Sharing Affect Low-Income People in Medicaid? June 1, 2017 News Release A new issue brief from the Kaiser Family Foundation reviews what the research shows about the effects of premiums and cost sharing on low-income populations in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), drawing upon 65 peer-reviewed studies and government and research and policy organization reports and studies published…
Poll: Public Views the ACA More Favorably Than Congress’ Plan to Replace It, Though Republicans Favor the Replacement May 31, 2017 News Release Public Grows More Pessimistic About How Repeal Will Affect Them Personally Most (55%) of the public holds an unfavorable view of the Congressional plan that would repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, and the same share (55%) want the Senate either to make major changes to the House-passed bill…
New Dashboard Provides Key Data on U.S. Health System Quality, Spending, Access, Outcomes May 24, 2017 News Release A new feature launched today on the redesigned Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker website provides quick and easy access to the latest key data measuring quality, spending, access, and outcomes in the U.S. health system. Compiled by Kaiser Family Foundation analysts in consultation with other top experts, the Health System Dashboard…
Analysis: 6.3 Million People with Pre-Existing Conditions Would Be at Risk for Higher Premiums under the House’s Health Bill May 17, 2017 News Release A new Kaiser Family Foundation analysis estimates that 6.3 million people — 23 percent of 27.4 million non-elderly adults with a gap of several months in insurance coverage in 2015 – could potentially face higher premiums under the House’s American Health Care Act (AHCA), due to pre-existing health conditions. The…