Medicaid Coverage and Care for the Homeless Population: Key Lessons to Consider for the 2014 Medicaid Expansion September 1, 2012 Report Beginning in 2014, the Affordable Care Act ACA provides for a significant Medicaid expansion uninsured, low-income adults. Given their low incomes and high uninsured rate, individuals experiencing homelessness could significantly benefit from this expansion. However, it will be important to address the barriers they face to enrolling in coverage and…
Coverage of Preventive Services for Adults in Medicaid September 1, 2012 Issue Brief This brief highlights data from a survey of coverage of 42 recommended preventive services for adults in Medicaid fee-for-service programs as of October 2010. Medicaid programs must cover preventive services for children as part of the Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit, but generally are not required to…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: September 2012 September 1, 2012 Poll Finding The September poll finds with the November election fast-approaching, Medicare trails only the economy and the federal budget deficit as key priorities for voters, and interest in the federal health program is even higher among seniors. More than a third (36%) of Americans say Medicare is “extremely” important to their…
Current and Emerging Issues in Medicaid Risk-Based Managed Care: Insights from an Expert Roundtable September 1, 2012 Issue Brief Half of all Medicaid enrollees receive care through comprehensive risk-based managed care organizations (MCOs). Most Medicaid MCO enrollees today are low-income children and parents, but states are increasingly moving beneficiaries with more complex needs into MCOs. Managed care enrollment may grow more rapidly as states work with the Centers for…
The Uninsured And The Difference Health Insurance Makes September 1, 2012 Fact Sheet This fact sheet describes the characteristics of the uninsured and explains the recent increase in this population. It also examines the difference that health insurance can make and how health reform is expected to cover millions more people.
The Swing States and Medicare September 1, 2012 Poll Finding The latest partnership poll from The Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation explores attitudes towards Medicare among registered voters in three swing states — Florida, Virginia, and Ohio. While the economy remains the top issue, in each state about four in ten voters say Medicare is an extremely important…
Medicare Part D 2012 Data Spotlights September 1, 2012 Report The Kaiser Family Foundation has issued this collection of analyses related to the Medicare Part D stand-alone drug plan options available to seniors in 2012. These spotlights focuses on key aspects of the drug plan choices available and relevant trends since the Medicare drug benefit took effect in 2006. They…
Putting Men’s Health Care Disparities On The Map: Access and Utilization Highlights September 1, 2012 Fact Sheet This fact sheet provides a brief overview of racial disparities in health access and utilization among men of different races in the United States. It draws findings from the report, Putting Men’s Health Care Disparities On the Map, which uses national data sources from multiple years to generate state-level estimates…
Putting Men’s Health Care Disparities on the Map: Health Status Highlights September 1, 2012 Report This fact sheet provides a brief overview of racial disparities in health status among men of different races in the United States. It draws findings from the report, Putting Men’s Health Care Disparities On the Map, which uses national data sources from multiple years to generate state-level estimates on a…
Putting Men’s Health Care Disparities on the Map: Examining Racial and Ethnic Disparities at the State Level September 1, 2012 Report This Kaiser Family Foundation report finds that men of color in almost every state continue to fare worse than white men on a variety of measures of health, health care access and other social determinants of health. It documents the persistence of such disparities between white men and men of…