PSAs in a New Media Age Background Papers February 1, 2002 Report A new national study on public service advertising finds that broadcast and cable television networks donate an average of 15 seconds an hour to air public service ads (PSAs), representing just under one-half of one percent (0.4%) of all airtime. Shouting to be Heard: Public Service Advertising in a New…
PSAs in a New Media Age Executive Summary February 1, 2002 Report A new national study on public service advertising finds that broadcast and cable television networks donate an average of 15 seconds an hour to air public service ads (PSAs), representing just under one-half of one percent (0.4%) of all airtime. Shouting to be Heard: Public Service Advertising in a New…
Prescription Drug Discount Cards: Current Programs and Issues January 31, 2002 Report As policymakers consider a range of approaches to providing prescription drug coverage to the Medicare population in today s tight budgetary environment, one proposal that has been put forth by the Bush Administration is that of a Medicare-endorsed prescription drug discount card program. This report describes the range of existing…
Health News Index January/February 2002 January 31, 2002 Poll Finding Health News Index January/February, 2002 The January/February 2002 edition of the Kaiser Family Foundation/ Harvard School of Public Health Health News Index includes questions about major health stories covered in the news, including the public s knowledge of the ongoing anthrax investigation and prescription drug discount cards. The Health News…
Florida’s Medicaid Prescription Drug Benefit: A Case Study January 30, 2002 Report Florida's Medicaid Prescription Drug Benefit: A Case StudyA new study summarizes and discusses the state s attempt to reform its Medicaid prescription drug benefit program. Background Paper
An Analysis of Reforming Medicare Through a ‘Premium Support’ Program January 30, 2002 Report An Analysis of Reforming Medicare Through a 'Premium Support' ProgramThis report examines one of the leading approaches to reforming the Medicare program, known as premium support. Under this model, the current Medicare program would be replaced by a system of competing public and private health plans, and the federal government…
A Medicare Buy-In for the Near Elderly: Design Issues and Potential Effects on Coverage January 30, 2002 Report This report examines a Medicare-based approach to reducing the ranks of the uninsured that would permit early retirees between the ages of 62 and 65 to purchase coverage under Medicare. The paper begins with an overview of the challenges of insuring the near-elderly and explores the potential effects of a…
States Strive to Limit Medicaid Expenditures for Prescribed Drugs January 30, 2002 Report A new report presenting year 2000 trends on prescription drug spending, summarizing states options in designing their benefit, and reviewing several ways states are using their flexibility to curb the rate of growth of their Medicaid drug budgets.Background Paper
Sexual Activity and Substance Use Among Youth January 30, 2002 Fact Sheet Teens and young adults face many pressures and decisions involving alcohol, drugs, and sexual activity decisions that often occur simultaneously. Almost one quarter of sexually active young people aged 15-24 report having sex without a condom because they were drinking or using drugs at the time. These findings are from…
Rising Unemployment and the Uninsured January 22, 2002 Fact Sheet A brief policy analysis (revised as of January 2002) examines the relationship between the unemployment rate and increases in the uninsured and finds that for every percentage point increase in the unemployment rate, 1.2 million people will become uninsured.