Reaching Uninsured Children Through Medicaid: If You Build It Right, They Will Come May 31, 2002 Report This report analyzes enrollment data of recent years and draws on state experiences to outline the key strategies that will lead to successful enrollment in public health coverage programs and finds that improving enrollment in Medicaid drives improved overall enrollment into a state s public coverage programs.
Health News Index – May/June 2002 May 31, 2002 Poll Finding Health News Index May/June, 2002 The Health News Index measures public attention to and knowledge about leading health stories covered in the news in April and May, including discussions in Congress about a Medicare prescription drug benefit and warnings by medical researchers about possible harmful side effects of newer prescription…
Medicare and Prescription Drugs: A Chartpack May 31, 2002 Report This chartpack presents a brief overview of the state of prescription drug coverage among the Medicare population. It reviews the impact of lack of coverage on beneficiaries' access to prescription drugs, as well as current levels of total and out-of-pocket spending on prescription drugs.Chart Pack
Sexual Health of Young African Americans in the U.S. May 31, 2002 Fact Sheet African Americans represent twelve percent of the U.S. population, or approximately 35 million people, but have been disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. Fact Sheet:
Acceleration of Medicaid Spending Reflects Mounting Pressures May 31, 2002 Report This issue paper reveals that after three years of relatively slow spending growth, Medicaid spending accelerated in 1999 and 2000, and more rapid growth appears likely to continue. Medicaid spending grew by 7.1 percent ind FY 1999 and 8.6 percent in FY 2000.
Welfare and Work: How Do They Affect Parents’ Health Care Coverage? May 31, 2002 Fact Sheet Welfare and Work: How Do They Affect Parents’ Health Care Coverage?This fact sheet presents an overview of issues involving health care coverage for parents who are shifting from welfare to the workforce.Fact Sheet
NPR/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard Kennedy School of Government Survey on Health Care – Summary of Findings May 30, 2002 Poll Finding New NPR/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard Kennedy School of Government Survey on Health Care A new survey by NPR, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and Harvard s Kennedy School of Government finds that many Americans have real problems when it comes to accessing and paying for health care, and even if they haven’t…
New NPR/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard Kennedy School of Government Survey on Health Care May 30, 2002 Poll Finding A new survey by NPR, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and Harvard s Kennedy School of Government finds that many Americans have real problems when it comes to accessing and paying for health care, and even if they haven’t yet faced a problem, many worry about getting and paying for care…
NPR/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard Kennedy School of Government Survey on Health Care – Chart Pack May 30, 2002 Poll Finding New NPR/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard Kennedy School of Government Survey on Health Care A new survey by NPR, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and Harvard s Kennedy School of Government finds that many Americans have real problems when it comes to accessing and paying for health care, and even if they haven’t…
Sicker and Poorer: The Consequences of Being Uninsured April 30, 2002 Report Sicker and Poorer: The Consequences of Being UninsuredA new report by the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured synthesizes the major findings of the past 25 years of health services research assessing the most important effects of health insurance. The report evaluates thousands of citations and 230 research articles…