The New Middle-Class of Uninsured Americans — Is it Real? March 1, 2003 Report This issue paper discusses and answers the question are the newly uninsured in 2001 predominantly from the middle-class. The paper examines U.S. Census Bureau s data and concludes that most of the increase in the uninsured (1.3 million people) was among low-income people with incomes less than 200% of the…
Regulation of Private Long-Term Care Insurance: Implementation Experience and Key Issues February 27, 2003 Report Regulation of Private Long-Term Care Insurance: Implementation Experience and Key IssuesWhile private long-term care insurance (LTCI) has been available since the mid-1970s, its popularity has grown rapidly in recent years, and Congress is considering proposals that would further encourage LTCI purchase through expanded tax subsidies. Yet there has been little…
Private Long-Term Care Insurance: Who Should Buy It and What Should They Buy? February 27, 2003 Report Private Long-Term Care Insurance: Who Should Buy It and What Should They Buy?Despite the growing interest in private long-term care insurance (LTCI), there has been little independent examination of how much protection LTCI policies provide consumers or whether LTCI policies are a worthwhile purchase for people of average means. This…
Who Pays and How Much? The Cost of Caring for the Uninsured January 31, 2003 Report This report answers how much the country spends on care for the uninsured and how much care the uninsured receive compared to insured Americans. It is part of our Cost of Not Covering the Uninsured project.Report
Health Insurance Coverage in America: 2001 Data Update January 31, 2003 Report Health Insurance Coverage in America: 2001 Data UpdateThis chartbook provides year 2001 data on health insurance coverage, with special attention to the uninsured. It includes trends and major shifts in coverage and a profile of the uninsured population. Chartbook A link to additional state-specific data on the uninsured at State…
Abortion in the U.S. January 31, 2003 Fact Sheet This fact sheet reviews abortion in the U.S. About half (49%) of the approximately 5.4 million pregnancies occurring in the United States each year are unintended. Fifty-four percent (54%), or approximately 1.4 million, of these unintended pregnancies ended in abortion in 1996. While abortion remains one of the most common…
Issue Brief: Trends in Opportunistic Infection Drug Coverage and Spending by AIDS Drug Assistance Programs January 31, 2003 Issue Brief This issue brief, prepared as part of the National ADAP Monitoring Project, examines ADAP formulary coverage of medications for the prevention and treatment of AIDS-related Opportunistic Infections across states, including trends in coverage and expenditures over time, and discusses some of the potential reasons for variations in coverage. For more…
Sex on TV 3: Report January 30, 2003 Report The third biennial Sex on Television 3 study finds the amount of sex on television remains high, but TV sex is more likely than in previous years to include some reference to “safer” sex issues such as waiting to have sex, using protection, or the possible consequences of unprotected sex.…
Sex on TV 3 Executive Summary January 30, 2003 Report The third biennial Sex on Television 3: Content and Context study finds the amount of sex on television remains high, but TV sex is more likely than in previous years to include some reference to “safer” sex issues such as waiting to have sex, using protection, or the possible consequences…
Compendium of Cultural Competence Initiatives in Health Care January 30, 2003 Report Public and private sector organizations are involved in a number of activities that seek to reduce cultural and communication barriers to health care. These activities are often described as cultural competency and/or cross-cultural education. A recent Institute of Medicine report recommended that the health care system pursue several of these…