Medicaid Section 1115 Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Waivers: A Survey of Enrollment, Spending, and Program Policies
Appendix Table 1: Key Provisions in § 1115 Capitated MLTSS Waivers, as of December, 2016 |
State | Initial § 1115 MLTSS Approval |
Current Waiver Expires | Populations Covered | Duals Included |
Level of Care | Statewide | Mandatory Enrollment | Services Included | |||||||
Seniors | Phys. Dis. | I/DD | Serious Mental Illness |
Instit. | At Risk of Instit. | Instit. | HCBS | Physical health | Behav. health | ||||||
AZ | 1989 | 9/30/21 | X | X | X | Yes | X | X | Yes | Yes | X | X | X | X | |
CA | 2014 | 12/31/20 | X | X | Yes | X | No | Yes | X | X | X | X | |||
DE | 2012 | 12/31/18 | X | X | Yes | X | X | Yes | Yes | X | X | X | some | ||
HI | 2008 | 12/31/18 | X | X | Yes | X | X | Yes | Yes | X | X | X | some | ||
NJ |
(enrollment effective
July 2014)
6/30/17 | X | X | Yes | X | Yes | Yes | X | X | X | X | |||
NM | 2014 | 12/31/18 | X | X | Yes | X | Yes | Yes | X | X | X | X | |||
NY | 2012 | 11/15/16 | X | X | X | X | Yes | X | Yes | Some | X | X | some | some | |
RI | 2013 | 12/31/18 | X | X | X | Yes | X | X | Yes | No | X | X | X | X | |
TN |
(enrollment effective
March 2010)
11/30/16 | X | X | X | Yes | X | X | Yes | Yes | X | X | X | X | |
TX | 2011 | 12/31/17 | X | X | Yes | X | Yes | Yes | X | X | X | X | |||
VT | 2005 | 12/31/21 | X | X | X | X | Yes | X | X | Yes | Yes | X | X | X | X |
NOTES: Table omits KS, which has joint § 1115/1915 (c) waivers, and NC and VA, which have capitated MLTSS § 1115 applications pending with CMS. AZ: limits at-risk services to those who no longer meet institutional level of care at renewal; uses state entity to serve people with I/DD. CA: includes Medicaid state plan HCBS, in-home supportive services, community-based adult services, multipurpose senior services, and NF services but not other § 1915 (c) waiver HCBS. DE: also includes those with HIV/AIDS, TEFRA children, and working people with disabilities buy-in; limited number of MCO behavioral health visits with remainder FFS. HI: MCOs provide standard behavioral health services, with separate managed care carve out for specialized behavioral health services. NJ: also includes people with TBI and AIDS; MLTSS enrollment for those in NFs limited to those eligible for Medicaid after July 1, 2014. NM: also includes working people with disabilities buy-in, people with HIV/AIDS and those who are medically fragile; previously offered MLTSS to duals and those requiring NF LOC through a § 1915 (b)/(c) waiver that was converted to § 1115; § 1115 waiver also phased in HCBS from § 1915 (c) waivers for self-direction, AIDS, and medically fragile populationsBShCB over 6 months, beginning Jan. 2016. NY: managed LTC plans provide limited Medicaid state plan benefits including institutional and HCBS for beneficiaries who need more than 120 days of LTSS, with other services provided FFS; people with SMI included as of Aug. 2015, and may enroll in specialized MCOs providing mainstream Medicaid managed care benefits and BH HCBS, which are non-risk for 1st 2 years; people with I/DD enrolled as of 2016; seeking waiver extension through Dec. 2019. RI: also includes adults ages 19 to 21 with significant disabilities below 250% FPL who aged out of TEFRA coverage, need services, and are otherwise ineligible. TN: MLTSS enrollment was statewide as of Aug. 2010; MLTSS enrollment for people with I/DD receiving HCBS is as of 2016 and limited to new Medicaid applicants – those receiving HCBS through § 1915 (c) I/DD waivers remain there, but those waivers are closed to new enrollment; ICF/DD services are FFS; seeking 5-year waiver extension. TX: MLTSS began in 1998 under a § 1915(b)/(c) waiver, which was converted to § 1115; MLTSS expanded statewide as of Sept. 2014; all NF services added to MCO benefit package as of March 2015; mandatory MLTSS enrollment for children with disabilities in STAR KIDS as of Nov. 1, 2016; seeking 5-year waiver extension. VT: state entity operates as a non-risk-bearing PIHP; I/DD population included as of 2015; also includes people with TBI. SOURCE: KFF analysis of waiver special terms and conditions. |
Appendix Table 2: Provisions That May Affect Access to HCBS in § 1115 Capitated MLTSS Waivers, 2015 | |||||||||
State | Same Income Limit for HCBS and NF | Higher Asset Limit for HCBS than NF | Provide HCBS to Those At Risk of Instit. | Financial Incentives to Encourage Health Plan Use of HCBS | Benefit Package Includes HCBS and NF | Offers Self-Direction | Allows Payments to Family Caregivers | HCBS Utilization Controls | Requires Health Plan Nursing Facility Diversion Program |
AZ | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |
CA | X | X | X | X | |||||
DE | X | X | X | X | |||||
HI | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
NJ | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||
NM | X | X | X | X | |||||
NY | X | X | X | ||||||
RI | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||
TN | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||
TX | X | X | X | X | |||||
VT | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||
TOTAL | 7 states | 2 states | 6 states | 7 states | 11 states | 11 states | 2 states | 6 states | 5 states |
NOTES: NJ eliminates the 5-year asset transfer look-back period for LTSS applicants at or below 100% FPL. RI allows access to a limited HCBS benefit package for 90 days via self-attestation of financial eligibility. NY’s health plan benefit package has limited Medicaid state plan benefits, including LTSS. TN allows payments to family caregivers for beneficiaries with I/DD as of 2016. Utilization controls include maximum cost and/or maximum hours per beneficiary. VT does not use private health plans and instead delivers MLTSS through a state entity. SOURCE: KFF survey of § 1115 Medicaid MLTSS waivers (2016). |
Appendix Table 3: Beneficiary Protections in § 1115 Capitated MLTSS Waivers, 2015 | ||||||
State | Independent Enrollment Options Counseling | Change Plans Outside Open Enrollment | LTSS Quality Measures | Health Plan Advisory Committee | State-Level Advisory Committee | Ombudsman Program |
AZ | X | X | X | |||
CA | X | X | X | X | ||
DE | X | X | X | X | ||
HI | X | X | X | X | ||
NJ | X | X | X | X | X | |
NM | X | X | X | X | X | X |
NY | X | X | X | X | X | |
RI | X | X | ||||
TN | X | X | X | X | X | |
TX | X | X | X | X | X | X |
VT | N/A | X | X | |||
TOTAL | 9 states | 9 states | 10 states | 5 states | 5 states | 8 states |
NOTES: TN and AZ allow plan changes outside open enrollment based on hardship or to ensure continuity of care; other states allow changes if an LTSS provider leaves the plan network. LTSS quality measures include those related to rebalancing and/or quality of life. SOURCE: KFF survey of § 1115 Medicaid MLTSS waivers (2016). |