Well-being of Children and Parents: Highlights from the KFF Survey on Racism, Discrimination, and Health

  1. Many surveys and data analyses classify individuals into non-overlapping racial and ethnic categories using single-race and Hispanic ethnicity categories and grouping those who identify as more than one race into a “multiracial” or “other” category. To allow for better representation of experiences of the growing shares of people who identify as multiracial, this report uses an “alone or in combination” approach for classifying individuals so that they are represented within each racial and ethnic group with which they identify, resulting in overlapping racial and ethnic categories. For example, responses from someone who identifies as both Black and Asian are included in the results for both Black adults and Asian adults. The exception is reporting on White adults, who in this report are defined as those who identify as non-Hispanic and select White as their only race.

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  2. This question was asked among those who thought they or their child needed mental health care services but did not try to find a mental health care provider. See topline for full question wording.

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  3. Parents of school-aged children refers to adults who said they are the parent or guardian of any child under age 18 living with them and said that at least one of their children is between the ages of 5 and 17 and currently enrolled in school. See topline for full question wording.

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