
CALL FOR PAPERS: Health Policy Challenges Affecting American Indians and Alaska Natives

The American Journal of Public Health (AJPH), in collaboration with the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, is planning to publish a collection of papers on how the United States can more effectively meet the health care needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives (AIANs). The guest editors are soliciting contributions to the “Health Policy and Ethics” and “Research and Practice” sections of the AJPH. Research Articles (180 word structured abstract, 3500 word text, up to 4 tables/figures) and Analytic Essays (120 word unstructured abstract, 3500 word text, up to 4 tables/figures) for the department “Health Policy and Ethics” are encouraged that address the challenges or approaches to eliminating health care disparities (in access, quality, or financing of care) between AIANs and other population groups. All papers will undergo peer review by the AJPH editorial team, the guest editors, and a slate of referees, as per AJPH policy.

In order to be considered for inclusion in this series, papers must be submitted by September 1, 2004 through the online submission at http://submit.ajph.org. This website also provides Instructions for Authors, including specific guidelines for various types of papers. When submitting articles, please select “AIAN series” under the Theme Issue menu. Additional information concerning this series can be obtained by contacting AIAN_AJPHseries@kff.org

Marsha Lillie-Blanton, DrPH and Yvette Roubideaux, MD, MPH, Guest Editors

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The independent source for health policy research, polling, and news, KFF is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco, California.