California’s Undocumented Latino Immigrants: A Report on Access to Health Care Services April 29, 1999 Report California’s Undocumented Latino Immigrants: A Report on Access to Health Care Services This report provides the results of a survey of undocumented Latino immigrants in two California counties (Fresno and Los Angeles), including their access to health care services, insurance status, health status, and economic circumstances. Report
Medicare’s Role for Latinos March 30, 1999 Fact Sheet Medicare’s Role for LatinosFact Sheet: The Medicare Program: Medicare’s Role For Latinos
AIDS… A Crisis Among African-American Youth September 29, 1998 Fact Sheet A fact sheet on HIV, how it is transmitted, how to protect yourself against HIV, and information on testing and treatments for HIV. This fact sheet is available as part of a partnership with BET Teen Summit Town Hall specials. Fact Sheet
Kaiser Family Foundation/National Association of Black Journalists 1998 National Survey on Blacks, Media & Health July 2, 1998 Report A national survey of 800 African Americans, plus an additional general population sample of 800 Americans, examining perceptions about the media’s coverage of health issues that most concern and impact African Americans. This survey was conducted jointly by the Foundation and the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) for presentation…
The Medicare Program: Panorama General De Medicare June 29, 1998 Fact Sheet Que Es El Medicare Y Como Se Financia? Medicare es un programa de seguro medico nacional que atiende a 39 millones de ancianos y discapacitados. Antes de la existencia del Medicare, menos de la mitad de todos los norteamericanos de edad avanzada contaban con un seguro medico. Hoy en dia,…
What’s the Diagnosis? Latinos, Media & Health May 30, 1998 Report Three reports examining how health issues are handled by the Latino-oriented media today and how Latinos use the media as an information source on health issues. The three new studies were released at the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) conference. The studies are also available separately: A National and…
Welfare Reform and Elderly Legal Immigrants May 30, 1998 Report This report presents the findings of researchers at the National Academy on Aging on welfare reform and elderly legal imigrants. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Actof 1996 included an array of structural reforms affecting access to cash assistance programs such as AFDC and SSI as well as Medicaid.…
Welfare Reform and Elderly Legal Immigrants – Report May 30, 1998 Report Welfare Reform and Elderly Legal Immigrants Prepared by: Robert B. Friedland and Veena Pankaj National Academy on Aging, Washington DC July 1997 Prepared for: The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, based in Menlo Park, California, is an independentnational health philanthropy and is not associated…
1998 National Survey of Latinos on HIV/AIDS – Report (HTML version) May 1, 1998 Report 1998 National Survey of Latinos on HIV/AIDS This Report is also available in PDF in English (.pdf) en Espanol (.pdf) CONTENTS Introduction The Latino Population in the United States Epidemiology and Transmission of HIV/AIDS The Health Gap and Access to Care Latino’s Perceptions of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic Methodology Findings Language and Perceptions…
Kaiser Family Foundation National Survey of Latinos on HIV/AIDS April 29, 1998 Poll Finding A random-sample national survey of 802 Latino adults, 18 years and older. The survey, designed by staff at the Foundation and conducted by telephone in both English and Spanish by Princeton Survey Research Associates (PSRA), examines Latino’s knowledge, values and beliefs with respect to HIV and AIDS. The survey data…