How Do Patterns of Prescription Drug Coverage and Use Differ for White, African American, and Latino Medicare Beneficiaries Under 65 and 65+ July 2, 2003 Report This chartpack provides a snapshot of racial/ethnic differences in Medicare beneficiaries? prescription drug coverage, use, and spending. It examines patterns separately for beneficiaries under age 65 and 65+. The summary discusses the relevance of the key findings to the current policy debates about prescription drug coverage. Chartpack (.pdf)
Capitol Hill Briefing on Latinos and HIV/AIDS July 1, 2003 Event As part of the Kaiser Family Foundation’s ongoing effort to raise awareness about critical issues related to HIV/AIDS, we co-hosted a Capitol Hill briefing with the National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD) on Latinos and HIV/AIDS. Honorary co-sponsors of the briefing included Representatives Hilda Solis (D-CA), Ciro…
Key Facts: Latinos and HIV/AIDS June 30, 2003 Report provides comprehensive data on the impact of HIV/AIDS epidemic on Latinos in the United States. Based on the most recent data and research on the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS among Latinos, the report includes an overview and epidemic profile, as well as data on major trends, access to and use of…
Compendium of Cultural Competence Initiatives in Health Care January 30, 2003 Report Public and private sector organizations are involved in a number of activities that seek to reduce cultural and communication barriers to health care. These activities are often described as cultural competency and/or cross-cultural education. A recent Institute of Medicine report recommended that the health care system pursue several of these…
2002 National Survey of Latinos November 30, 2002 Poll Finding The Pew Hispanic Center/Kaiser Family Foundation examines how members of the Hispanic community identify themselves, their views of the United States, their experiences with discrimination both within the Latino community itself and from non-Latino groups, their language abilities and preferences, their economic and financial situations and their experiences within the…
Racial/Ethnic Differences in Cardiac Care: The Weight of the Evidence September 29, 2002 Report Numerous studies over the past two decades have documented racial and ethnic differences in care for heart conditions. To assess the quality of the evidence and to summarize the information for a physician audience, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation collaborated with the American College of Cardiology Foundation to review…
Racial/Ethnic Differences in Cardiac Care: The Weight of the Evidence September 29, 2002 Poll Finding Summary ReportNumerous studies over the past two decades have documented racial and ethnic differences in care for heart conditions. To assess the quality of the evidence and to summarize the information for a physician audience, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation collaborated with the American College of Cardiology Foundation to…
Racial Ethnic Difference in Cardiac Care: The Weight of the Evidence September 29, 2002 Fact Sheet Racial Ethnic Difference in Cardiac Care: The Weight of the EvidenceNumerous studies over the past two decades have documented racial and ethnic differences in care for heart conditions. To assess the quality of the evidence and to summarize the information for a physician audience, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation…
Racial/Ethnic Differences in Cardiac Care: The Weight of the Evidence September 29, 2002 Fact Sheet Numerous studies over the past two decades have documented racial and ethnic differences in care for heart conditions. To assess the quality of the evidence and to summarize the information for a physician audience, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation collaborated with the American College of Cardiology Foundation to review…
Welfare Reform and American Indian Tribes April 2, 2002 Fact Sheet American Indian tribes have new options under the 1996 Welfare Reform legislation that created Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), a block grant enacted to replace the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC). TANF, which expires in September of this year, provides cash assistance to poor families with children,…