The New Pandemic Fund: Overview and Key Issues for the U.S. May 30, 2023 Issue Brief This brief offers an overview of the new multilateral global health financing mechanism known as the Pandemic Fund, which is housed at the World Bank. The brief reviews the evolution of the Fund, its current financial status and donors, U.S. engagement, and policy issues going forward.
Mpox One Year Later: Where is the U.S. today? May 17, 2023 Issue Brief This brief provides an overview of the impact of mpox in the U.S. one year after a case of was identified domestically and the federal response to date, and discusses the future outlook.
PEPFAR Reauthorization on the Horizon April 14, 2023 Perspective In this Think Global opinion piece, Jennifer Kates and Kellie Moss discuss what could happen if the United States’ signature initiative on global health is not reauthorized.
Who are PEPFAR’s Beneficiaries?: Analysis of Populations Served in 2022 April 14, 2023 Issue Brief Based on analysis of PEPFAR data, this data note presents an overview of who PEPFAR served in 2022, looking at gender, age, and other characteristics.
Africa CDC: Its Evolution and Key Issues for its Future March 31, 2023 Issue Brief This Issue Brief reviews the history of Africa CDC, describing its structure, funding and operations to date, including U.S. government engagement, as well as challenges and opportunities for the institution moving forward.
PEPFAR Reauthorization 2023: Key Issues March 13, 2023 Blog This year, Congress will consider reauthorization of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). This Policy Watch provides fast facts about the program and top issues related to its authorization and funding.
How Much Could COVID-19 Vaccines Cost the U.S. After Commercialization? March 10, 2023 Issue Brief This analysis illustrates the potential total cost of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, based on their publicly-announced expected prices, once they enter the U.S. commercial market. It compares the average price paid by the federal government for the COVID-19 bivalent boosters to the estimated average commercial prices across different scenarios.
Ten Numbers to Mark Three Years of COVID-19 March 6, 2023 Fact Sheet As we mark three years since the WHO characterized COVID-19 as a pandemic, here are 10 key data points that illuminate the challenges, and progress, made to date.
The Commercialization of Covid Vaccines Is Coming. Here’s What It Means. February 18, 2023 Perspective In this commentary for Barron’s, KFF’s Cynthia Cox and Jennifer Kates explore what will happen with costs to COVID-19 vaccines for people with and without insurance once the relevant public health emergency ends on May 11.
Assessing the Role of Treaties, Conventions, Institutions, and Other International Agreements in the Global COVID-19 Response: Implications for the Future January 24, 2023 Issue Brief This issue brief examines existing treaties and other global health agreements to assess whether they have been utilized for the COVID-19 pandemic response and whether they contain pandemic preparedness and response components in their mandates. The COVID-19 pandemic challenged and revealed gaps in global health governance systems, prompting stakeholders to reevaluate existing frameworks and discuss new agreements aimed at addressing future pandemics. To help inform these discussions, we evaluate existing global health agreements to assess their role in pandemic preparedness and response efforts, including the COVID-19 pandemic.