KFF June Tracking Poll Finds Health Care in the November 2010 Mix June 29, 2010 Perspective The start of summer finds Americans remain divided on the health reform law, but favorable views of the new law increased seven percentage points over the past month to 48 percent, compared to 41 percent who have “generally unfavorable” views and 10 percent who have yet to make up their…
Recent Premium Increases Imposed by Insurers Averaged 20% for People Who Buy Their Own Health Insurance, Kaiser Survey Finds June 21, 2010 Poll Finding For further information contact: Craig Palosky, (202) 347-5270 or cpalosky@kff.org Rakesh Singh, (650) 854-9400 or rsingh@kff.org Recent Premium Increases Imposed by Insurers Averaged 20% for People Who Buy Their Own Health Insurance, Kaiser Survey Finds Facing Such Increases, Some Enrollees Switched To Lower-Cost Coverage People With Pre-Existing Conditions Much More…
KFF Survey Finds that a Majority of Individuals Who Buy Their Own Insurance Report Facing a Premium Increase June 21, 2010 Perspective People who buy their own insurance report that their insurers most recently requested premium increases averaging 20 percent, according to a new Kaiser survey examining the experiences and views of people who buy health coverage in the non-group or individual market. Overall roughly three in four people (77 percent) with…
Health Affairs Issue Focuses on Health Reform June 8, 2010 Perspective The June 2010 issue of the journal Health Affairs is dedicated to health reform, and “begins to tackle the hundreds of implementation issues inherent in health reform and offers prescriptions for averting trouble,” according to Editor-in-Chief Susan Dentzer. The issue features an article by Kaiser researchers examining past and present…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — June 2010 June 2, 2010 Poll Finding The start of summer finds Americans remain divided on the health reform law, but favorable views of the new law increased seven percentage points over the past month to 48 percent, compared to 41 percent who have “generally unfavorable” views and 10 percent who have yet to make up their…
Survey of People Who Purchase Their Own Insurance June 1, 2010 Poll Finding While most people in the U.S. get health insurance through their employer, about 14 million people under age 65 have coverage through the non-group or individual market, which has faced scrutiny recently in news reports about some insurers’ steep rate increases and in the market reforms in the new health…
Confusion Declines, but Remains Widespread in KFF May Tracking Poll May 16, 2010 Perspective Confusion over the new health reform law declined but remains widespread, with 44 percent of the public saying they were confused in May, compared to 55 percent in April. Moreover, more than a third of Americans (35%) say they do not understand what the impact of the law will be…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — May 2010 May 1, 2010 Poll Finding Confusion over the new health reform law declined but remains widespread, with 44 percent of the public saying they were confused in May, compared to 55 percent in April. Moreover, more than a third of Americans (35%) say they do not understand what the impact of the law will be…
Americans Remain Divided on Health Reform But Are Confused About The Law And How And When It Will Affect Them April 22, 2010 News Release Many Provisions That Take Effect in 2010 Are Popular and Have Bipartisan Support Cable News Tops List of the Public’s “Most Important” Information Sources MENLO PARK, Calif. –The first Kaiser Health Tracking Poll fielded since the passage of health reform last month finds that 8 in 10 Americans know that…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — April 2010 April 1, 2010 Poll Finding The first Kaiser Health Tracking Poll fielded since the passage of health reform last month finds that 8 in 10 Americans know that President Obama signed the legislation into law. But 55 percent say they are confused about the law and more than half (56%) say they don’t yet have…