Most Americans Oppose Converting Medicaid to a Block Grant in Order to Reduce the Federal Deficit May 24, 2011 Poll Finding
Uninsured Are Less Satisfied May 2, 2011 Perspective Given that people without health insurance have no protection from health care costs, it is not surprising that they are much less likely to say they are satisfied with costs than those with insurance (31 percent vs. 68 percent Majorities of both the uninsured and insured report being satisfied with…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — May 2011 May 1, 2011 Poll Finding Most Americans oppose the idea of converting Medicaid to block grant financing to reduce the federal deficit, and more than half want to see no reductions at all in Medicaid spending. One in five adults has received Medicaid benefits over time, and for most, experiences were positive, although one third…
KFF April Tracking Poll: Opinions of Reform Remain Steady April 27, 2011 Perspective This month, public opinion on the health reform law continues to be remarkably steady. The April Kaiser Health Tracking Poll finds that four in ten feel favorably about the law and an equal share say they feel unfavorably. In recent months there has been a slight decline in the share…
Dissatisfaction with Health Insurance Despite Positive Ratings April 25, 2011 Perspective Personal experiences with the health care system are a key factor in Americans’ opinions on how the health care system should function and their expectations of how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will change the system when fully implemented. In order to take a closer look at these personal experiences,…
A Public Opinion Surprise, The Latest “Pulling It Together, From Drew Altman” April 5, 2011 Perspective With Medicaid being the focus of federal and state debate on deficits, the Kaiser Family Foundation’s President and CEO examines recent poll findings about the program’s popularity that may be a surprise considering the current discussion.
How Popular Is The Idea Of Changing Medicare To A Defined Contribution Plan? April 1, 2011 Poll Finding In March 2011, House Budget Committee Chair Paul Ryan released his “Path to Prosperity” budget plan, which included a proposal to change Medicare from a defined benefit program into one in which the government pays a specific amount towards the cost of private health insurance for each enrollee. Surveys conducted…
The Digital Divide And Access To Health Information Online April 1, 2011 Poll Finding The Affordable Care Act (ACA) calls for a number of web-based initiatives, including development of the website which provides a variety of health information and helps individuals find coverage options. Therefore, understanding the level and quality of Internet access among those groups most likely to benefit from reform, such…
Trends in the Use of Hospital and Provider Quality Ratings April 1, 2011 Poll Finding With a renewed emphasis on health care quality driven by the Affordable Care Act, this polling data note examines historical trends in Americans’ reliance on quality ratings and how their perceptions have changed over time. Data Note (.pdf)
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — April 2011 April 1, 2011 Poll Finding As Congress and the president debate different approaches to reducing the deficit, the April Kaiser Health Tracking Poll indicates that initial public reaction is fairly evenly split when a premium support/voucher program like the one in House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s “Path to Prosperity” proposal is described, but seniors…