2012 Survey of Americans on the U.S. Role in Global Health May 1, 2012 Report The 2012 Survey of Americans on the U.S. Role in Global Health is the fourth in a series that aims to examine the American public’s views, knowledge and opinions of U.S. efforts to improve health for people in developing countries.
April Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: Core Views on ACA Remain Stable After Oral Arguments April 24, 2012 Perspective The increased public attention to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) generated by the Supreme Court’s consideration of the law did not meaningfully change the public’s opinion of the law overall or of the specific provision at the heart of the legal case against it, the individual mandate. Forty-two percent say…
The Role of High-Income Seniors in Medicare Reforms: The Public’s Perspective April 9, 2012 Poll Finding Medicare remains in the spotlight as policymakers and presidential candidates look for ways to rein in Medicare spending. One facet of the debate has centered on whether seniors with higher incomes should pay more for their coverage under Medicare. Based on data from the February 2012 Health Tracking Poll, this…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — April 2012 April 1, 2012 Poll Finding The April poll gauged Americans’ opinions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the wake of the Supreme Court oral arguments in the legal challenges to the health reform law in March. The increased public attention to the Affordable Care Act generated by the Supreme Court’s consideration of the law…
KFF Data Note: A Snapshot of Public Opinion on the Individual Mandate March 27, 2012 Perspective This week, the Supreme Court hears arguments on several challenges to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), including the provision that requires individuals to purchase health insurance as of 2014, known as the individual mandate. For the two years since the law’s passage, and during the debate leading…
KFF Data Note: Americans’ Views on the Personal Impact of the ACA and the Supreme Court’s Decision March 26, 2012 Perspective As the Supreme Court hears cases challenging the constitutionality of parts of the Affordable Care Act, a relatively small share of the public thinks the Supreme Court’s decision will have a lot of impact on their family (28 percent). At the same time, the public is divided as to whether…
Public Opinion on the ACA: Cruising or Turbulent Ride? March 15, 2012 Perspective Regular readers of the Kaiser Health Tracking poll know by now that public opinion on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been at a steady cruising altitude since it was signed into law on March 23, 2010, with a little over four in ten viewing the law favorably and a…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — March 2012 March 14, 2012 Poll Finding As the oral arguments on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) begin in two weeks before the Supreme Court, the March Kaiser Health Tracking Poll finds that Americans’ views on the case mirror their views on the health reform law and that they expect parts of the ACA to continue whatever…
Americans’ Views on the Supreme Court Case Mirror Their Views on the Health Reform Law March 14, 2012 News Release The Public Expects Parts Of The Affordable Care Act To Continue Whatever The Court Rules Two Years After Passage The Public Is Evenly Divided On The Law, Split Sharply Along Partisan Lines MENLO PARK, Calif. — The requirement that nearly everyone obtain health insurance or pay a fine has long…
The ACA and Fluoridation: The Power of Political Symbols March 14, 2012 Perspective In the 1950s, water fluoridation became a public health controversy that morphed into a symbolic issue of larger proportions. For its opponents, fluoridation came to symbolize big government and even for some, a communist threat. The controversy became so odd that it was parodied in Stanley Kubrick’s 1964 film “Dr.…