Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: June 2013 June 19, 2013 Poll Finding As the country gears up for implementation of the major provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), June’s Kaiser Health Tracking Poll takes a step back and examines views on health insurance more broadly among some key subgroups, including young adults, the uninsured, and those with pre-existing conditions. The poll finds that the large majority of Americans want and value health insurance.
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: April 2013 April 30, 2013 Poll Finding With open enrollment in new health coverage options created under the Affordable Care Act set to begin in October, much of the public remains confused about the status of the law. The April 2013 Kaiser Health Tracking Poll provides a rough baseline of public awareness of the ACA before more intensive consumer information and consumer assistance efforts begin.
Majority Say They Don’t Understand How ACA Will Impact Them, Including Two-Thirds of Uninsured and Low-Income March 20, 2013 Slide
Majority Say They Don’t Understand How ACA Will Impact Them, Including Two-Thirds of Uninsured and Low-Income March 20, 2013 Slide