Snapshots: Effect of Tying Eligibility for Health Insurance Subsidies to the Federal Poverty Level February 12, 2007 Issue Brief Considerable attention has been paid in recent years to the rapid growth of health insurance premiums and its impact on coverage affordability. Premium growth has far outpaced growth in workers earnings, which means that workers have to spend more of their income each year on health care to maintain current…
Snapshots: Insurance Premium Cost-Sharing and Coverage Take-up January 24, 2007 Issue Brief One of the many reasons an individual may be uninsured is that she or he decides an employer’s offer of health insurance is too expensive. Several studies have noted the likelihood that a worker will decline an employer’s offer of health insurance increases with the amount he or she is…
Snapshots: Illustrating the Potential Impacts of Adverse Selection on Health Insurance Costs in Consumer Choice Models November 3, 2006 Issue Brief A current strategy for addressing the cost of health insurance involves consumer-directed health plans (CDHPs). These plans generally are less expensive than more traditional health plan designs, but it is not clear whether the lower costs derive entirely from the new benefit structure or whether some of the savings result…
The Role of Consumer Copayments for Health Care: Lessons From the RAND Health Insurance Experiment and Beyond October 2, 2006 Report The appropriate level of cost-sharing for patients remains a key issue in designing both private and public health insurance. This report reviews the groundbreaking RAND Health Insurance Experiment from the 1970s to offer insights into current policy debates about appropriate cost-sharing levels.One of the most ambitious health policy studies in…
Illustrating the Potential Impacts of Adverse Selection on Health Insurance Costs in Consumer Choice Models July 7, 2006 Issue Brief Health Care Spending in the United States and OECD Countries Health spending is rising faster than incomes in most developed countries, which raises questions about how these countries will pay for future health care needs. The issue may be particularly acute in the United States, which not only spends much…
Snapshots: Distribution of Out-of-Pocket Spending for Health Care Services May 2, 2006 Issue Brief How much people should pay out-of-pocket for health care is a much-debated issue in health policy. New health insurance products with higher out-of-pocket shares are becoming more evident in the private market, and some states are considering ways to increase enrollee financial responsibility in state Medicaid programs. This paper presents…
Retired Steelworkers and Their Health Benefits: Results from a 2004 Survey May 2, 2006 Report This Kaiser survey report looks at how the bankruptcies of two steel companies, the LTV Corporation and Bethlehem Steel, affected health coverage for the companies' retirees and dependents. The bankruptcies left about 200,000 retirees and spouses without retiree health coverage in 2002 and 2003. The report provides insight into the…
Snapshots: Comparing Projected Growth in Health Care Expenditures and the Economy April 17, 2006 Issue Brief The rising cost of health care is much in the news. Health costs continue to grow faster than national income and, despite research indicating that we the get good value for the increased spending, some policy makers and health analysts question whether governments and private employers can continue to finance…
A Consumer Guide to Handling Disputes with Your Employer or Private Health Plan July 30, 2005 Report Most people get their health care through some form of managed care plan – a health maintenance organization, preferred provider organization, or point-of-service option. Most of the time, people receive the care they need, but the potential exists for disagreements over the services that will be provided or paid for…
Medical Malpractice Law in the United States May 1, 2005 Report In recent years, medical malpractice law and insurance have become popular topics for debate in Washington, DC and around the country. This report provides an overview of the issues surrounding medical malpractice law, including the legal changes that states have made over the past thirty years in response to periodic…