A Profile of Health Insurance Exchange Enrollees March 1, 2011 Report The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act calls for the creation of Health Insurance Exchanges in all states by January 1, 2014. The exchanges are a critical element of the health reform law, aimed at helping individuals and families shop for and purchase health insurance on their own with additional…
Snapshots: Employer Health Insurance Costs and Worker Compensation February 27, 2011 Issue Brief Health insurance premiums have increased rapidly over the recent past, growing a cumulative 138% between 1999 and 2010 and outpacing cumulative wage growth of 42% over the same period.1 These figures, which have been widely cited to demonstrate the growing burden of health insurance costs on employers and employees, illustrate…
Snapshots: Health Benefit Offer Rates and Employee Earnings November 15, 2010 Issue Brief Employer-provided health insurance is the primary source of insurance coverage in the United States, covering almost 160 million people.1 About 90 percent of the non-elderly privately-insured population is covered by employer-sponsored plans, meaning that employer decisions about whether to offer health benefits will influence overall rates of insurance coverage in the…
Health Reform Hits Main Street September 23, 2010 Video This short cartoon explains the problems with the current health care system, the health reform changes that are happening now, and the big changes coming in 2014 as part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). You can view the video on our site and it is also available on YouTube.
Snapshots: Trends in Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Offer Rates for Workers in Private Businesses September 13, 2010 Issue Brief Most Americans receive their health insurance through their own job or the job of a family member; an offer of coverage at work is an important determinant of the likelihood of having private health insurance. This analysis examines the percentage of nonelderly, full-time adult workers (age 18 through 64) in…
Statement of Gary Claxton to NAIC Exchanges (B) Subgroup July 22, 2010 Event Kaiser Family Foundation Vice President Gary Claxton, who directs the Foundation’s Marketplace Policy Project, testified July 22, 2010, at a public hearing before the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ Exchanges (B) Subgroup established by the health reform law. Testimony (.pdf)
KFF Survey Finds that a Majority of Individuals Who Buy Their Own Insurance Report Facing a Premium Increase June 21, 2010 Perspective People who buy their own insurance report that their insurers most recently requested premium increases averaging 20 percent, according to a new Kaiser survey examining the experiences and views of people who buy health coverage in the non-group or individual market. Overall roughly three in four people (77 percent) with…
Survey of People Who Purchase Their Own Insurance June 1, 2010 Poll Finding While most people in the U.S. get health insurance through their employer, about 14 million people under age 65 have coverage through the non-group or individual market, which has faced scrutiny recently in news reports about some insurers’ steep rate increases and in the market reforms in the new health…
Changes in Health Insurance Status over a Two-Year Period May 29, 2010 Issue Brief The ability to maintain health insurance in the face of rising costs and an uncertain economy is a key concern for families and featured prominently in the health reform debate. While the percentage of the population without coverage at any one time changes by only a relatively small amount over…
What’s in There? The New Health Reform Law and Medicare May 7, 2010 Event As part of an ongoing series to explore what is in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, this May 7 briefing sponsored by the Alliance for Health Reform and the Kaiser Family Foundation examines how the reform law affects…